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[[File:The Death of Socrates.jpg|thumb|250px|The Death of Socrates by drinking a mixture containing poison hemlock, by Jacques-Louis David (1787)]]
'''PoisonVeneno''' is any substance that causes disturbances or a harmful effect when administered to es cualquier sustancia que causa disturbios o un efecto perjudicial cuando se administra a living organismun organismo vivo.<ref name=toxicology>{{cite bookcita libro|editor=Hodgson, Ernest|authorautor=Hodgson, Ernest|chaptercapítulo=1 - Introduction to Toxicology|titletítulo=A Textbook of Modern Toxicology|pagepágina=3|editionedición=3rd|publishereditorial=John Wiley & Sons|locationubicación=Hoboken, New Jersey|yearaño=2004|isbn=0-471-26508-X}}</ref> Another definition states that poison is any substance or blend of substances that can be life threateningOtra definición establece que el veneno es cualquier sustancia o mezcla de sustancias que pueden ser potencialmente mortales.<ref>{{cite bookcita libro|editor=James, Robert C.; Roberts, Stephen M.; Willians, Philip L|authorautor=Kem, William R|titletítulo=Principles of Toxicology: Environmental and Industrial Applications|editionedición=2nd|chaptercapítulo=17 Properties and Effects of Natural Toxins and Venoms|pagepágina=409|publishereditorial=John Wiley & Sons|locationubicación=New York|yearaño=2000|isbn=0-471-29321-0}}</ref> The term poison is closely related to the amount as high doses of a substance can be harmful, and at the same time not cause injury in a lower dose.<ref name=toxicology /><ref group=notenota>Paracelsus stated that "all things are poison and not without poison; only the dose makes a thing not a poison" in {{cite book|editor=Krieger, Robert|title=Hayes’ Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology|edition=3rd|volume=1|publisher=Elsevier/Academic Press|location=Amsterdan|year=2010|volume=1|page=xxix|isbn=978-0-12-374481-4}}</ref>
==Poison classification==
[[File:Melk16.jpg|thumb|250px|St. Benedict and the cup of poison, anonymous Austrian master, oil on wood, end 15th century.]]
== Notes Notas ==<references group="notenota"/>
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