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Index to Creationist Claims

201 bytes eliminados, 02:23 5 nov 2019
CC: Paleontology
** CB141. [[(Talk.Origins) Chromosome counts differ greatly and unsystematically between species|Chromosome counts differ greatly and unsystematically between species]].
** CB144. [[(Talk.Origins) Human and chimp genomes differ by more than one percent|Human and chimp genomes differ by more than one percent]].
** CB150. [[(Talk.Origins) Functional genetic sequences are too rare to have evolved from one another|Functional genetic sequences are too rare to have evolved from one anotherLas secuencias genéticas funcionales son demasiado raras como para haber evolucionado unas de otras]].
** CB180. [[(Talk.Origins) The genetic code is a language|The genetic code is a language]].
*'''CB200: Molecular Biology'''
** CB411. [[(Talk.Origins) Evolution doesn't explain morals|Evolution doesn't explain morals]].
** CB420. [[La evolución no explica el arte]].
** CB421. [[(Talk.Origins) Evolution doesn't explain music|Evolution doesn't explain musicLa evolución no explica la música]].
** CB430. [[La evolución no explica la personalidad y las emociones]].
** CB440. [[La evolución no explica la religión]].
**** CB601.2.4. [[(Talk.Origins)In places, light moths increased before lichens reappeared|In places, light moths increased before lichens reappeared]].
**** CB601.2.5. [[(Talk.Origins)Light moths increased before trees got lighter|Light moths increased before trees got lighter]].
*** CB601.3. [[(Talk.Origins)Direct mutagenesis better explains peppered moth variation|Direct mutagenesis better explains peppered moth variationLa mutagénesis directa explica mejor la variación de la polilla moteada]].
*** CB601.4. [[Una mayor tasa de recuperación sugiere fraude en los datos de Kettlewell]].
*** (see also [[CB910.2]]: Peppered moths remain same species.)
*** CB921.2. [[(Talk.Origins) What use is half a wing?|What use is half a wing?]].
** CB922. [[No existe una vida de 2 celdas intermedia entre una y varias celdas]].
** CB925. [[(Talk.Origins) We don't see creatures in various stages of completion|We don't see creatures in various stages of completionNo vemos criaturas en varias etapas de finalización]].
** CB926. [[La preadaptación implica que los órganos evolucionaron antes de ser necesarios]].
** CB928. [[¿Por qué los rasgos beneficiosos no evolucionan más a menudo?]].
** CB930. [[Some fossil species are still living]].
*** CB930.1. [[The coelacanth, thought extinct for ages, is still living]].
*** CB930.2. [[A plesiosaur was found by a Japanese trawlerUn plesiosaurio fue encontrado por un arrastrero japonés]].
*** CB930.3. [[Dinosaurs may still be alive in the Congo]].
*** CB930.4. [[(Talk.Origins) Pterodactyl in stone|Pterodactyl in stone]]
** CC052. [[Laetoli footprints were human]].
** CC054. [[KP 271 (a fossil humerus) was human]].
** CC061. [[French scientists called Peking Man Científicos franceses llaman el Hombre de Pekín "monkey-likesimiesco"]].
** CC080. [[Australopithecus was fully ape, closer to chimp]].
** '''CC100: Human fossils are out of place.'''
*** CE261.1. [[Oort cloud and Kuiper belt are ad-hoc fantasies of astronomers]].
** CE280. [[El viento solar debería haber limpiado el sistema solar interno de micropartículas]].
** CE281. [[El efecto Poynting-Robertson effect would remove space dust in an old eliminaría el polvo espacial en un viejo sistema solar system]].
* '''CE300: Sun & Stars'''
** CE301. [[Lack of solar neutrinos indicates stellar model is wrong]].
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