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[[File:HOT word in sand.jpg|thumb|200px|"HOT" escrito en la arena. Alguien dejó esta información en la arena con un propósito.]]
'''Información''' es un término derivado probablemente de la raíz {{Nombre Latino|information-}} que a su vez se deriva del verbo [[latino]] {{Latin Name2Nombre Latino2|informare}} meaning que significa "to give form to the minddar forma a la mente", "to disciplinela disciplina", "instructinstruir", "teachenseñar". Information is generally understood as knowledge or facts that one has acquiredLa información se entiende generalmente como conocimientos o hechos que uno ha adquirido, but in some areas of sciencepero en algunas áreas de la ciencia, information can have slightly different definitionsinformación puede tener definiciones ligeramente diferentes, although we do not have a precise definition of pesar de que no tenemos una definición precisa de '''informationinformación''', of what is or what is not informationde lo que es o lo que no es información.<ref>{{cite cita web|url=|titletítulo=MAC 333 - A Revolução Digital e a Sociedade do Conhecimento - Tema 11 - O que é Informação? Como ela age?|authorautor=Simon, Imre|trans_title=MAC 333 - The Digital Revolution and the Knowledge Society La revolución digital y la Sociedad del Conocimiento - Track Tema 11 - What is Information¿Qué es la información? How it works¿Cómo funciona?|accessdate=July Consultado el 31, de julio 2013}}</ref><ref group=nota>[[Wikipedia:Imre Simon|Dr. Imre Simon]], who made this reference, was a well-known Hungarian-born Brazilian mathematician and computer scientist.</ref> What we have is rather a vague and intuitive notion.
The word "information" is used in many ways. We mentioned the lay person's sense above, but it is also used of a sequence of symbols (such as letters of a language (see picture at right), dots and dashes of Morse code, or the arrangement of the bumps of Braille) that convey meaning.
{{cquote|Information is a sequence of data that is meaningful in a process, such as the DNA code of an organism, or the bits in a computer program.<ref name=Kurzweil>{{cite book|author=Kurzweil, Ray|title=The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence|publisher=Penguin Books|location=New York|year=2000|page=30|isbn=0-14-028202-5}}</ref>}}
Gregory Bateson;
{{cquote|Information is a difference which makes a difference.<ref>{{cite web|url=||title=The Economy of Ideas: A framework for patents and copyrights in the Digital Age. (Everything you know about intellectual property is wrong.)|author=Barlow, John Perry|accessdate=July 31, de julio 2013}}</ref>}}Valdemar W.Setzer<ref group=nota>Dr. Valdemar W.Setzer is a well-known Brazilian computer scientist. He is is a signatory to the list named "[[A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism]]". Found in: {{cite web|url=|title=A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism (List)|accessdate=July 31, de julio 2013}}</ref>{{cquote|Information is an informal abstraction (that is, it cannot be formalized through a logical or mathematical theory) which is in the mind of some person in the form of thoughts, representing something of significance to that person. Note that this is not a definition, it is a characterization, because "mind", "thought", "something", "significance" and "person" cannot be well defined. I assume here an intuitive (naïve) understanding of these terms.<ref name=setzer>{{cite web|url=|author=Setzer, Valdemar W.|title=Data, Information, Knowledge and Competence|accessdate=July 31, de julio 2013}}</ref>}}
{{cquote|Information, in its most restricted technical sense, is a sequence of symbols that can be interpreted as a message. Information can be recorded as signs, or transmitted as signals. Information is any kind of event that affects the state of a dynamic system that can interpret the information.<ref>{{cite web|url=|publisher=Wikipedia|title=Information|accessdate=July 31, de julio 2013}}</ref>}}
Answer of some of those present in the lectures of Stephen Talbott to a large audience of librarians;
{{cquote|That's the stuff we work with.<ref name=setzer />}}
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