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'''Información''' es un término derivado del verbo [[latín|latino]] {{Nombre Latino2|informare}} que significa "dar forma a la mente", "la disciplina", "instruir", "enseñar". La información se entiende generalmente como conocimientos o hechos que uno ha adquirido. Sin embargo, en algunas áreas de la ciencia, la información se define de manera diferente ya menudo ambigua.<ref>{{cita web|url=|título=MAC 333 - A Revolução Digital e a Sociedade do Conhecimento - Tema 11 - O que é Informação? Como ela age?|autor=Simon, Imre|trans_title=MAC 333 - La revolución digital y la Sociedad del Conocimiento - Tema 11 - ¿Qué es la información? ¿Cómo funciona?|fechaacceso=31 de julio 2013}}</ref><ref group=nota>[[:en:Wikipedia:Imre Simon|Dr. Imre Simon]], quien hizo esta referencia, fue un conocido matemático y científico de la computación brasileño nacido en Hungría.</ref>
To Para la [[creation scienceciencia creacionista]], it is information (God's word) that underlies the [[creation cosmology#Cosmic fine tuning|fine-tuning of the universe]]. Furthermore the existence of biological information (DNA and RNA) provides what is perhaps the most powerful argument for [[intelligent design]]. [[William Dembski]] asserts that DNA possesses specified complexity (i.e., is both complex and specified, simultaneously) and therefore it must have been produced by an intelligent cause (i.e., that it was designed), rather than being the result of natural processes.<ref name=ARN>Dembski, William A. [ Intelligent Design as a Theory of Information] ''Access Research Network'', November 15 1998.</ref>
One of the main objections to evolution is the origin of the enormous amounts of genetic information content that is needed for an organism to evolve from microbes to humans.<ref>{{cite book|author=Sarfati, Jonathan|authorlink=Jonathan Sarfati|title=[[The Greatest Hoax on Earth?]]:Refuting Dawkins on Evolution|location=Atlanta, Georgia|publisher=Creation Book Publishers|year=2010|page=43|isbn=978-0-949906-73-1}}</ref> Not only has no credible source been identified where information could be produced by natural processes, but in contrast the adaptation of living organism involves a reduction of the information in the genome through natural selection.<ref>{{cite book|author=Spetner, Lee M|authorlink=Lee Spetner|title=[[Not by Chance!]] |publisher=The Judaica Press|year=1998|location=Brooklyn, New York|page=127-160|chapter=5-Can Random Variation Build Information?|isbn=1-880582-24-4}}</ref>
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