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'''Proteinoides''' también referidos como '''proteínas térmicas''', '''polímeros térmicos de aminoácidos'''<ref>{{cita libro|título=Molecular Evolution: Prebiological and Biological|autor=Dose, Klaus; Rauchfuss, Horst|editor=Rohlfing, Duane L.|editorial=Springer|año=1972|página=199-217|capítulo=On the Electrophoretic Behavior of Thermal Polymers of Amino Acids|url=|isbn=978-1-4684-2021-0}}</ref> o '''moléculas heterocomplejas térmicas de los aminoácidos'''<ref>{{cita publicación|url=|autor=Haruna, Taichi; Shiozaki, Junya; Tanaka, Sayaka|título=How Does Thermal Gradient Contribute to Microcapsule Formation by Proteinoids?|editor=Umano, M. et al.|página=2314-2316|publicación=Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems|año=2012|mes=11}}</ref> son agregados, similares a las proteínas,
formados abióticamente por [[aminoácidos]], ácidos nucleicos y [[compuestos inorgánicos]]. [[Sidney Fox]] desarrolló un trabajo pionero en la síntesis de polipéptidos térmicos. Fox heated dry mixtures of calentó mezclas secas de 16 to a 18 amino acids at aminoácidos en 160-180º in a nitrogen atmosphere for a time period of several hours180 º en una atmósfera de nitrógeno durante un período de tiempo de varias horas.<ref name=pandas>{{cite bookcita libro|titletítulo=Of Pandas and People: The Central Question of Biological Origins|authorautor=Davis, Percival; [[Dean H. Kenyon|Kenyon, Dean H]]|publishereditorial=Haughton Publishing Company|locationubicación=Dallas, Texas|editionedición=2nd|pagepágina=51-52|isbn=0-914513-40-0}}</ref> He noticed that the amino acids joined together by the loss of water moleculesNotó que los aminoácidos se hicieron unidos entre sí por la pérdida de moléculas de agua. Fox named the products resulting from his synthesis nombró a los productos resultantes de la síntesis "proteinoidsproteinoides".<ref name=thaxton>{{cite bookcita libro|authorautor=[[Charles Thaxton|Thaxton, Charles B.]]; Bradley, Walter L.; Olsen, Roger L|titletítulo=The Mistery of Life's Origin: Reassessing Current Theories|publishereditorial=Philosophical Library|locationubicación=New York|yearaño=1984|pagepágina=155-156|isbn=0-8022-2447-4}}</ref> If proteinoids are dissolved in boiling water and the the solution is cooled the proteinoid molecules will coalesce to form microspheres.<ref name=how>{{cite book|author=Dembski, William A.; Wells, Jonathan|title=How to Be an Intellectually Fulfilled Atheist (or not)|publisher=ISI Books|location=Wilmington, Delaware|year=2008|page=57-61|isbn=978-1-933859-84-2}}</ref> The theory of [[abiogenesis]] proposed by Sidney Fox in the '60s, and who does not find many followers in the scientific community nowadays, stated that the agglomeration of proteinoid microspheres would have given rise to the precursors of the first living cells. Fox claimed that his proteinoid microspheres constitute protocells which were a vital link between the primordial chemical environment and true living cells.<ref>{{cite journal|url=|title= Origin of Life: The Fox Thermal Model of the Origin of Life|author=Gish, Duane|authorlink=Duane Gish|publisher=Institute for Creation Research|year=1976|journal=[[Acts|Acts & Facts]]|volume=5|issue=3|issn=0196-8068 }}</ref>
==Comparison between true proteins and proteinoids==
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