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A. E. Wilder-Smith

287 bytes añadidos, 14:48 27 oct 2013
sin resumen de edición
* {{cite book|author=Wilder-Smith, A. E.|title=The creation of life: A cybernetic approach to evolution|year=1970|isbn=0-87788-144-8|location=Wheaton, Illinois|publisher=Harold Shaw Publishers|pages=269}}.
== References Honours==Wilder-Smith was a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry<ref>{{cite book|last=Wilder-Smith|first=Arthur E. and Beate|title=Fulfilled Journey|year=1998|publisher=TWFT Publishers|location=Costa Mesa, CA|isbn=978-0-936728-75-9|pages=538–539}}</ref> {{Referencias}} == Enlaces externos ==
* [ Dr. A. E. Wilder-Smith] Official website
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