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Cornelius G. Hunter

18 bytes añadidos, 16:50 18 oct 2019
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'''Cornelius G. Hunter, Ph.D.''',es un graduado de la University of Michigan donde obtuvo un B.S y M.S. en ingeniería aeroespacial<ref name=uncommon>{{cita libro|editor=Dembski, William A. |título=Uncommon Dissent: Intellectuals Who Find Darwinism Unconvincing|page=351|editorial=ISI Books|ubicación=Wilmington, Delaware|año=2004|isbn=1-932236-31-7}}</ref> receiving a Ph.D. in Biophysics and Computational Biology from the University of Illinois and currently is Adjunct Professor of science and religion at Biola University.<ref name=di>{{cita web|url=|editorial=Discovery Institute|título=Cornelius G. Hunter, Fellow - CSC|accessdatefechaacesso=2-24-2013}}</ref> He is currently engaged in Actualmente se dedica a la investigación de posdoctorado e ingeniería de biofísica molecular biophysics post-doctoral and engineering research in en Cameron Park, California.<ref name=goodreads>{{cite cita web|url=|titletítulo=Cornelius G. Hunter|accessdatefechaacesso=2-24-2013}}</ref> He is Es fellow of the del [[Discovery Institute]]'s Center for Science and Culture ]] (CSC)del [[Discovery Institute]].<ref name=di /> He is formerly Anteriormente fue vicepresidente senior vice president of del Seagull Technology, Inc.<ref name=goodreads />
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