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Antiguo Testamento

13 bytes añadidos, 14:46 23 mar 2013
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[[Image:Hebrew Bible.jpg|right|thumb|250px|11th century manuscript of the [[Hebrew]] Bible with Targum.]]
The El '''Old TestamentAntiguo Testamento''', also called the Hebrew también llamada la [[BibleBiblia]] or hebrea o '''Tanakh''', consists of thirty-nine booksconsta de treinta y nueve libros. The books themselves were originally written in Los propios libros fueron escritos originalmente en [[Hebrewhebreo]], and later on in the y más tarde en el lenguaje [[Aramaicarameo]] language of de [[PalestinePalestina]]. The [[Bible]] reports the [[Creation]] of the [[universe]] including the [[star|stars]], [[planet|planets]], [[plant|plants]], [[animal|animals]] and [[man]] by [[God]] {{bible ref|book=Genesis|chap=1-2|version=KJV}}. It describes further the major event of the [[Fall of Man|Fall of man]] with all its still observable consequences like [[death]] and suffering. But already in {{bible ref|book=Genesis|chap=3|verses=15-16|version=KJV}} and throughout the Old Testament a saving act of [[God]], the sending of the [[Redeemer]] is prophesied.
The [[Greek]] language Old Testament was written after the conquest of [[Alexander the Great]] around 130 BC and is known as the [[Septuagint]]. This implies an even earlier date of an established Old Testament canon generally accepted to fall within the 5th century to 3rd century BC (400 to 200 BC).<ref>[[Wikipedia:Old_Testament|Old Testament]] By Wikipedia</ref>
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