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Revisión del 15:33 28 ago 2013

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View of modern Shiloh, a modern community established adjacent to the ancient biblical site, Tel Shilo.

Silo (Plantilla:Hebrew Name, Plantilla:Hebrew Name, Plantilla:Hebrew Name) was an ancient city in the tribe of Ephraim mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. It was located twelve miles north and east of Bethel and about twelve miles south of Sychar.[1] It was the site of Israel's early sanctuary in the time of the Judges,[2] a capital of Israel for 300 years before Jerusalem.[3]. The ark was removed from Shiloh in a battle with the Philistines (Plantilla:Bible ref)


  1. Plantilla:Cite book
  2. Plantilla:Cite book
  3. Plantilla:Cite book