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The Discovery Institute is involved with numerous religious, civil, and political issues such as technology, science and culture, reform of the law, the environment and the economy, the future of democratic institutions, religion and public life, and others. They are perhaps best known for their work in furthering the intelligent design movement. Their program titled the Center for Science and Culture has been at the forefront of this effort. The Discovery Institute has been responsible for the production of important works such as Unlocking the Mystery of Life, The Privileged Planet, and Icons of Evolution.

Mission Statement: Discovery Institute's mission is to make a positive vision of the future practical. The Institute discovers and promotes ideas in the common sense tradition of representative government, the free market and individual liberty. Our mission is promoted through books, reports, legislative testimony, articles, public conferences and debates, plus media coverage and the Institute's own publications and Internet website.

Plantilla:Address org


Center for Science and Culture

The Center for Science and Culture was formed in 1996 to support research by scientists and other scholars challenging various aspects of neo-Darwinian theory, developing the scientific theory known as intelligent design, and explore the impact of scientific materialism on culture.

They encourage schools to improve science education by teaching students more fully about the theory of evolution, including the theory's scientific weaknesses as well is its strengths.

Technology and Democracy

Technology and Democracy supports technology and seeks to free its natural advancement from the burdens of undue government regulation. Their current focus is on realizing the economic and quality-of-life promise of real broadband to American homes by removing the regulatory morass that continues to stunt its growth. They also support innovative free-market alternatives to protect children and innocents from the internet's excesses.


Cascadia was founded in 1993, as the Cascadia Project, Discovery Institute's Cascadia Center for Regional Development is an important force in regional transportation and sustainable development issues.

Cascadia is known for their involvement in transportation and development issues in the Cascadia Corridor, Puget Sound and in the U.S.-Canadian cross-border realm. They have recently added to that mix through a major program to promote U.S. efforts to reduce reliance on foreign oil, including the earliest possible development and integration of flex-fuel, plug-in, hybrid-electric vehicles.

They have also reputation as an independent voice for creative solutions to metropolitan, state, regional, and national challenges - a voice we share through constructive policy analyses, expert testimony to government bodies, and through convening forums and conferences to facilitate solutions to complex policy matters.

Mission of Cascadia The mission of the Discovery Institute's Cascadia Center For Regional Development is to support the development of a balanced, integrated, and expanded transportation system for people and goods in central Puget Sound and the greater Cascadia region of Washington, British Columbia, and Oregon. Such a system will ensure the region's ability to facilitate trade and tourism across a secure border and expand technology and infrastructure for global competitiveness in a manner that promotes livable communities.


Discovery Institute's program on bioethics examines a constellation of related issues, including assisted suicide and euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, human genetic manipulation, human cloning, and the animal rights movement. Many of these issues are currently at the center of public attention. Besides supporting the research and publication of related books, Discovery Institute's program on bioethics encourages public speaking and debates, radio and television interviews, short articles and op-eds by Fellows. The Institute also holds public conferences and policy briefings for state and national legislators on these important issues


Discovery Institute's program on Economics examines national fiscal and monetary policy and works to foster economic growth by limiting tax and regulatory barriers to businesses and individuals alike. Specific study areas include tax and regulatory reform, the growth of electronic currency, Internet taxation and financial privacy. The program connects to many other projects of the Institute, including technology, transportation and the environment, among others.
