Resistencia a antibióticos

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Representação esquemática de como resistência antibiótica surge através da seleção natural.

Resistencia a antibióticos ou resistencia a los antimicrobianos es una forma de resistencia a los medicamentos de modo que algunas subpoblaciones de un microorganismo particular, más comúnmente una o más cepas de bacterias son capaces de sobrevivir a la exposición a uno o más antibióticos. Esto puede ser adquirida a través de: transformación, conjugación, transducción y la mutación. Transferencia horizontal de genes es la principal razón para la resistencia bacteriana a los antibióticos.[1][2][3] One of its mechanisms is bacterial conjugation, a process in which a bacterial cell transfers genetic material to another cell by cell-to-cell contact exchanging DNA that can add a new function to the recipient cell such as antibiotic resistance.[4]

Approximately about 20 years after the first sale of penicillin a new discovery emerged: Antibiotic resistance.[5]

Mecanismos de resistencia a los antibióticos

Are known several ways of appearance of antibiotic resistance in bacteria[6]:

  • Reduced drug accumulation by decreasing drug permeability
  • Reduced drug accumulation by increasing active efflux (pumping out) of the drugs across the cell surface[7]
  • Alteration of target site eliminating or reducing binding of antibiotic
  • Enzymatic deactivation - Enzymes, that by modification, inactive the antibiotic. This can occur for Hidrolysis or Derivation.
  • Sequestration of antibiotic by protein binding
  • Alteration of metabolic pathway - Metabolic bypass of inhibited reaction
  • Binding of specific immunity protein to antibiotic
  • Overproduction of antibiotic target (titration)


  1. Plantilla:Cite journal
  2. Plantilla:Cite journal
  3. Plantilla:Cite journal
  4. Plantilla:Cite book
  5. Plantilla:Cite book
  6. Plantilla:Cite book
  7. Plantilla:Cite journal

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