Index to Creationist Claims

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The Talk.Origins Archive web page titled Index to Creationist Claims, consists of a list of rebuttals to alleged creationist arguments against evolutionism. Much of the list was subsequently published in 2005 as The Counter-Creationism Handbook.

Some of these claims are regularly used by creationists, some are uncommon, and some are not used at all. Not all of the objections raised by Talk.Origins are incorrect, but it is important that creationists respond to this anti-creationism list.

This page links to responses from creationists to each of the "rebuttals" found on the Talk.Origin's website.

NOTE: When creating a page for this archive, please follow the guidance at CreationWiki:Talk.Origins responses.

CA: Philosophy and Theology

Plantilla:Philosophy portal

CB: Biología

Creationwiki biology portal.png

CC: Paleontology

Plantilla:Paleontology portal

CD: Geology

Plantilla:Geology portal

CE: Astronomy and Cosmology

Plantilla:Astronomy portal

CF: Physics and Mathematics

CG: Miscellaneous Anti-Evolution

Plantilla:Evolution portal

CH: Biblical Creationism

Plantilla:Creation portal

CI: Intelligent Design

Plantilla:Feature article

CJ: Other Creationism

Plantilla:Response Plantilla:Evolution navbox