

1302 bytes añadidos, 00:37 13 oct 2012
Página creada con '{{Traducción}} In evolutionary biology, '''Saltationism''' (from Latin, saltus, "leap") is a set of evolutionary theories which "holds that the evolution of s...'
In [[evolution|evolutionary]] [[biology]], '''Saltationism''' (from Latin, saltus, "leap") is a set of evolutionary theories which "holds that the evolution of species proceeds in major steps by the abrupt transformation of an ancestral species into a descendant species of a different type, rather than by the gradual accumulation of small changes."<ref></ref>.

In other words, the evolutionary transformation of a species occurs suddenly which allows [[biological evolution]] to abruptly occur within an extremely short period of time. Saltationism is mainly the opposite of [[gradualism]]. Saltationism maintains the view that [[mutations]] build up rapidly in a species' gene pool, thus allowing total [[speciation]] to happen abruptly.

An example of saltationism in evolutionary thought was [[Goldschmidt's hopeful monster theory]]. [[Punctuated equilibrium]] was originally a form of saltationism, but was later declared a contemporary of [[Phyletic gradualism]].<ref>Ernst Mayr, 1982a. Speciation and macroevolution. Evolution 36, page 1128</ref>

==Véase también==
{{evolución navcaja}}
{{ciencia navcaja}}
[[Categoría: evolucionismo]]
[[Categoría: Biología]]


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