
Antiguo Testamento

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Textual Reliability
[[Image:Hebrew Bible.jpg|right|thumb|250px|11th century manuscript of the [[Hebrew]] Bible with Targum.]]
El '''Antiguo Testamento''', también llamada la [[Biblia]] hebrea o '''Tanakh''', consta de treinta y nueve libros. <ref group=nota>O cuarenta y seis libros según los católicos</ref> Los propios libros fueron escritos originalmente en [[hebreo]], y más tarde en el lenguaje [[arameo]] de [[Palestina]]. The La [[BibleBiblia]] reports the relata la [[Creationcreación]] of the del [[universeuniverso]] including the , incluyendo las [[starestrella|starsestrellas]], [[planet|planetsplaneta]]s, [[plant|plantsplanta]]s, [[animal|animalsanimales]] and y el [[manhombre]] by por [[GodDios]] {{bible Biblia ref|booklibro=Genesis|chapcap=1-2|version=KJV}}. It describes further the major event of the Se describe, además, el evento principal de la [[Fall of ManCaída del Hombre|Fall of manCaída del hombre]] with all its still observable consequences like con todas sus consecuencias aún observables como la [[deathmuerte]] and sufferingy el sufrimiento. But already in Pero ya en {{bible Biblia ref|booklibro=Genesis|chapcap=3|versesversos=15-16|version=KJV}} and throughout the Old Testament a saving act of y en todo el Antiguo Testamento un acto salvador de [[GodDios]], the sending of the el envío del [[RedeemerRedentor]] is prophesiedestá profetizado.
The El Antiguo Testamento en la lengua griega fue escrito después de la conquista de [[GreekAlejandro el Grande]] language Old Testament was written after the conquest of [[Alexander the Great]] around alrededor de 130 BC and is known as the aC, y se conoce como la [[SeptuagintSeptuaginta]]. This implies an even earlier date of an established Old Testament Esto implica una fecha aún más temprana del canon generally accepted to fall within the 5th century to 3rd century BC del Antiguo Testamento establecido generalmente aceptado entrar dentro del siglo quinto hasta el tercero siglo aC (400 to a 200 BCaC).<ref>[[Wikipedia:Old_Testament|Old Testament]] By Wikipedia</ref>
==Textual ReliabilityConfiabilidad textual==The oldest books of the Bible are certainly the five books of the Torah and Los libros más antiguos de la Biblia son sin duda los cinco libros de la Torá y ''Job''. In En {{Bible Biblia ref|booklibro=I_KingsIReyes|chapcap=6|versesversos=1}}, Solomon is stated to have begun building the Temple se dice que Salomón ha comenzado la construcción del Templo ''in the 480th year after the children of en el año 480 después de que los hijos de Israel were come up out of the land of Egyptsubieron de la tierra de Egipto''. It had been established by scholars and historians that Solomon had begun building the Temple in the fourth year of his reign; this is variously thought to have taken place in 961 BC or 1015 BC, making the [[date of the Exodus]] under Moses to have been 1446 BC or 1491 BC. During the following forty years Moses wrote the Torah and ''Job'', completing them before his death at [[Mt. Nebo]] about 1406 BC or 1451 BC. According to biblical scholar and historian Robert D. Wilson the Torah as it stands dates from the time of Moses, the five books constitute one continuous work, and was written by a single individual, Moses himself.<ref>Wilson, Robert D. ''A Scientific Investigation of the Old Testament'', Sunday School Times, Inc, Philadelphia, [[Pennsylvania|PA]], 1926, p. 11.</ref>
The remaining books of the Old Testament were written at various times since the death of Moses, with ''Malachi'', the last Old Testament book, being written about 455 BC. During this period each of the books was written and re-written on parchment or papyrus, with the editors taking great care in their work; a single biblical book hand-written today can take weeks to complete. The older scrolls were disposed of by burial or systematic destruction when worn from normal usage; as a result, the oldest surviving examples of biblical manuscripts are those which have been carefully preserved either by direct actions of people (such as monasteries), or by removal from forces of decay. Currently, the oldest surviving manuscripts are those found within the caves of Qumran in 1948 and known as the [[Dead Sea Scrolls]], dating between 250 BC to AD 70; the complete ''Isaiah'' scroll of this collection dates to 150 BC
[[David]] is named as the author of many of the ''Psalms''; [[Solomon]] is believed to have written ''Song of Songs'' in his youth, the ''Proverbs'' in his prime, and ''Ecclesiastes'' during his old age. The prophet [[Jeremiah]] is thought to have written the aptly-named ''Lamentations'' at the beginning of the exile in Babylon. The ''Book of Ruth'' is the only biblical book that centers entirely on a non-Jew, a Moabite who married a Jew and became an ancestor of both David and Jesus Christ. ''Esther'' is unique as it is the only book in the Bible not to mention God. Moses is considered to be the author of ''Job''.
== Notas ==
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