
Talk.Origins Archive

3760 bytes añadidos, 21:35 16 sep 2013
Página creada con '{{traducción}} right '''Talk.Origins Archive''' is an anticreation website, which basically serves as the archive for posts made on the Talk.Origi...'
'''Talk.Origins Archive''' is an [[anticreation]] website, which basically serves as the archive for posts made on the Talk.Origins Usenet newsgroup. The newsgroup is devoted to the discussion and debate of biological and physical origins, but most of the discussions in the newsgroup is centered on the [[creation]]/[[evolution]] controversy. In particular, the Talk.Origins Archive does not tolerate a [[young earth]] [[creationist]] viewpoint, and most of the content on the website is specifically targeted against this position.

From the Talk.Origins Archive website, it states:

{{cquote| is a Usenet newsgroup devoted to the discussion and debate of biological and physical origins. Most discussions in the newsgroup center on the creation/evolution controversy, but other topics of discussion include the origin of life, geology, biology, catastrophism, cosmology and theology.<ref>[ Talk.Origins Main Page]</ref>}}

== Responses to Talk.Origins Assertions ==
* [[Index to Creationist Claims]] - responses to [ ''Index to Creationist Claims'']
* [[Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ]] - responses to [ ''Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ''].
* [[The Revised Quote Book (Talk.Origins)|The Revised Quote Book]] - responses to [ ''The Revised Quote Book: Looking at how Creationists Quote Evolutionists'']
* [[FABNAQ|Frequently Asked But Never Answered Questions]] - responses to [ FABNAQ].

{{evolution portal}}

==External rebuttals==
* [ Specious Speciation: The Myth of Observed Large-Scale Evolutionary Change: Response to TalkOrigins' "Observed Instances of Speciation" FAQ] By: Casey Luskin. Discovery Institute. January 25, 2012
* [ The True.Origin Archive]
* [ 9 errors in' responses to creationism] by Philip Dorrell
* [ Talk Origins Problems:errors/ bias of Talk Origins]
* [ Obsessively Criticized but Scarcely Refuted:A Response to Richard Wein] by William A. Dembski
* [ replies to Talk.Origins]
* [ Response to article CB121] by Walter ReMine
* [ New line of attack?] by Carl Wieland
* [ Grand Canyon discordant dates] by Jonathan Sarfati.
* [ -- FAQ or Fiction?] A critique of five Talk.Origins FAQs.
* [ Mark Isaak and the Bombardier Beetle] by James Foard
* [ A misrepresentation by Jim Foley: a correction] by Jerry Bergman

== See Also ==
* [[EvoWiki|Responses to EvoWiki Assertions]]
* [[Anticreation]]
* [[No Answers in Genesis]]
* [[Creationism versus Science (website)]]
* [[Anticreationist debate tactics]]

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Creationist, administrador
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