
Werner Gitt

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'''Dr. Werner Gitt''' (nacido [[Nacido::febrero 22, 1937]] en Stallupönen, Prusia, Alemania) has a doctorate in engineering tiene un doctorado en ingeniería summa cum laude from at the de la ''Technische Hochschule Aachen'', or the University of Technology in o la Universidad de Tecnología de Aachen. He is now retired as the Ahora está jubilado como director and professor, and Head of the Department of Information Technologyy profesor y director del Departamento de Tecnología de la Información, at the German en el Instituto Federal Institute of Physics and Technologyde Física y Tecnología.
Besides being a scientistAdemás de ser un científico, he is an active es un activo [[creation scientistcientífico creacionista]]. He was one of the leaders of the nondenominational Fue uno de los líderes de la no confesional sociedad ''Wort und Wissen'' (Word and KnowledgePalabra y el Conocimiento) society, the largest creationist society in Germanyla mayor sociedad creacionista en Alemania.<ref>{{cite bookcita libro | last autor = Numbers | first = , Ronald | authorlink autorlink = Ronald Numbers | coauthors = | title título = [[The Creationists]]: From Scientific Creationism to Intelligent Design, Expanded Edition | publisher editorial = Harvard University Press |datefecha=November 30, de noviembre 2006 | location ubicación =
| url =
| doi =
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| isbn = 0674023390
|pagepágina=409}}</ref> Dr. Gitt has done many talks relating to the ha hecho muchas conversaciones relativas a la [[BibleBiblia]], a few being "After Death-What Then?" and "The Wonder of the Bible." He has also written many books, some of his most known are "In the Begining was Information", published in 1997, "If Animals Could Talk", published in 1990, and "Did God Use Evolution?" published in 1993. He has also published many articles in [[Creation Magazine]], ranging from problems with [[theistic evolution]] (10 Dangers of Theistic Evolution), to whether [[cloning]] is wrong (Cloning: Right or Wrong).
== Publications ==
Creationist, administrador
38 028