
Jonathan Wells

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[[Image:Jonathan_wells.jpg|thumb|250px|Jonathan Wells]]
'''John Corrigan Wells''' mejor conocido como '''Jonathan Wells''' (Nacido 1942) es un defensor del [[diseño inteligente]], y es un senior fellow en el [[Center for Science & Culture]] del [[Discovery Institute]] . His motivation for seeking higher education was primarily to Su motivación para la búsqueda de la educación superior era principalmente para "destroydestruir" el [[Darwinismdarwinismo]], an una idea he finds as obnoxious as the que le resulta tan desagradable como el [[materialismmaterialismo |Marxist materialismmaterialismo marxista]].<ref> " prayers convinced me that I should devote my life to destroying Darwinism." [] </ref>
He has two Él tiene dos Ph.D.s &mdash; one in uno en biología molecular and cell biology from the y celular de la University of California at Berkeley, and the other in [[religion|religious studies]] from y el otro en estudios religiosos de Yale University. He has worked as a Ha trabajado como biólogo de investigación postdoctoral research biologist at the en la University of California at Berkeley and as y como supervisor of a medical laboratory in de un laboratorio médico en Fairfield, California. He has also taught También ha enseñado [[biologybiología]] at en la California State University in en Hayward.
El Dr. Wells has published articles in ha publicado artículos en ''Development'', ''Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA'', ''BioSystems'', ''The Scientist'' and y ''The American Biology Teacher''. He is author of Es autor de ''Charles Hodge's Critique of Darwinism'' (Edwin Mellen Press, 1988) and y ''Icons of Evolution: Why much of what we teach about evolution is wrong'' (Regnery Publishing, 2000). He has also written También ha escrito ''The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design'' (Regnery Publishing, 2006).
== Publications Publicaciones ===== Books Libros ===
* ''[[Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth?]] Why much of what we teach about evolution is wrong'', with Jody F. Sjogren (Illustrator), Regnery Publishing, October 1, 2000
* ''[[The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design]]'', Regnery, 2006
* ''[[The Myth of Junk DNA]]'', Discovery Institute Press, 2011
=== Articles Artículos ===
:''[ Articles by Jonathan Wells''] (link to these)
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[[CategoryCategoría:BiologistBiólogo |Wells, Jonathan]][[CategoryCategoría:CreationistCreacionista |Wells, Jonathan]][[CategoryCategoría:Creation scientistCientífico creacionista |Wells, Jonathan]][[CategoryCategoría:Discovery Institute|Wells, Jonathan]][[CategoryCategoría:Intelligent design theoristTeórico del diseño inteligente |Wells, Jonathan]]
[[en:Jonathan Wells]]
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