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[[File:Mishnah 12th century.jpg|thumb|200px|A page of the Mishnah 12th century]]
The '''Mishnah''' or '''Mishna''' ({{Hebrew NameNombre Hebreo|מִשְׁנָה|Mishnah}}, "study by repetition", from the verb ''shanah'' {{Hebrew Name|שנה|Shanah}}, or "to study and review", also "secondary") is the first authoritative collection of exegetical material of the Jewish comprising the oral tradition of Jewish law known as the "Oral Torah".
|style="background:#66DD66;" |{{Hebrew Name2Nombre Hebreo|זְרָעִים|Zeraim}}|style="background:#C0FFC0;" |SeedsSemillas|style="background:#C0FFC0;" |Deal with prayer and blessingsSe trata de oración y bendiciones, tithes and agricultural lawsdiezmos y leyes agrícolas.
|style="background:#2299FF;" |{{Hebrew Name2Nombre Hebreo|מוֹעֵד|Moed}}
|style="background:#C0EFEE;" |Festival
|style="background:#C0EFEE;" |Pertaining to the laws of the Sabbath and the FestivalsPerteneciente a las leyes del sábado y los festivales
|style="background:#E9967A;"|{{Hebrew Name2Nombre Hebreo|נָשִׁים|Nashim}}|style="background:#F5CEC3;"|WomenMujeres
|style="background:#F5CEC3;"|Concerning marriage and divorce, some forms of oaths and the laws of the nazirite
|style="background:#FFA812;"|{{Hebrew Name2Nombre Hebreo|נְזִיקִין|Nezikin}}|style="background:#FFD199;"|DamagesDaños|style="background:#FFD199;"|Deal with Hace frente al derecho civil and criminal lawy penal, the functioning of the courts and oathsel funcionamiento de los tribunales y los juramentos.
|style="background:#FFE303;"|{{Hebrew Name2Nombre Hebreo|קָדָשִׁים|Kodashim}}|style="background:#EEFFA3;"|Holy thingsCosas santas|style="background:#EEFFA3;"|Regarding sacrificial ritesCon respecto a los ritos de sacrificio, the Temple, and the el Templo y el Kashrut (dietary lawsleyes dietéticas)
|style="background:#C8CCE8;"|{{Hebrew Name2Nombre Hebreo|טָהֳרוֹת|Tehorot}}|style="background:#E8ECF2;"|PuritiesPurezas|style="background:#E8ECF2;"|Pertaining to the laws of purity and impurityPerteneciente a las leyes de pureza e impureza, including the impurity of the deadincluida la impureza de los muertos, the laws of food purity and bodily puritylas leyes de la pureza de los alimentos y la pureza corporal.
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