
No se han observado nuevas especies (Talk.Origins)

905 bytes añadidos, 10:42 30 oct 2019
Página creada con «{{traducción}} {{Icc encabezamiento}} '''Alegación [ CB910]:''' No new species have been observed. *Fuente: Morris, He...»
{{Icc encabezamiento}}

'''Alegación [ CB910]:'''

No new species have been observed.

Morris, Henry M., 1986. [ The vanishing case for evolution.] Impact 156 (Jun.).

'''Respuesta de la CreationWiki:'''

This 20+ year old statement is simply out of date. This is common in scientific literature. Today, Creationists understand species simply as varieties within a [[created kind]]. Such changes in thinking demonstrate that creationists do indeed allow their views to be informed by the emergence of new data and essentially falsified. A complaint many evolutionists have with creation science is that it cannot be falsified.

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[[en:No new species have been observed (Talk.Origins)]]
[[pt:Nenhuma nova espécie têm sido observada (Talk.Origins)]]
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