
Charles Thaxton

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'''Charles B. Thaxton''' tiene un doctorado en química física de la Universidad Estatal de Iowa. Completó dos programas posdoctorales, uno en historia de la ciencia en la Universidad de Harvard y el segundo en los laboratorios [[biología molecular]] de la Universidad de Brandeis. Es un autor de diseño inteligente y es Fellow of the [[Center for Science and Culture]] del [[Discovery Institute]].
He has lectured widely in American universities including Ha dado numerosas conferencias en universidades estadounidenses, incluyendo University of Michigan, University of Delaware, Rice University, Princeton University, Yale University, Texas Universtiy, Vanderbilt University, Johns Hopkins University, and y Harvard Law School. He has lectured outside the country at the Ha dado conferencias fuera del país en Korean Advanced Institute of Science, the la Russian Academy of Science, and in various universities in Polandy en varias universidades en Polonia, Mongolia, Romania, and HungaryRumania y Hungría.
He is co-author of Es coautor de ''The Mystery of Life's Origin'' and also y también ''The Soul of Science''. He is the Academic Editor of the high school biology book, [[Of Pandas and People]]. He has contributed many chapters to the books ''God and Culture'' and ''The Creation Hypothesis'' and he is currently working on two [[books]].
== Publicaciones ==
Creationist, administrador
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