
Index to Creationist Claims

62 bytes eliminados, 14:56 31 oct 2019
CB: Biología
**** CB310.1. [[(Talk.Origins) Bombardier beetle chemicals would explode if mixed without an inhibitor|Bombardier beetle chemicals would explode if mixed without an inhibitor]].
*** CB311. [[La metamorfosis de las mariposas es demasiado compleja para haber evolucionado]].
**** CB311.1. [[(Talk.Origins) Evolution can't explain butterfly evolving from caterpillar|Evolution can't explain butterfly evolving from caterpillarLa evolución no puede explicar la evolución de la mariposa de la oruga]].
*** CB325. [[(Talk.Origins) The giraffe neck couldn't evolve without a special circulatory system|The giraffe neck couldn't evolve without a special circulatory system]].
*** CB326. [[(Talk.Origins) The woodpecker tongue couldn't have evolved|The woodpecker tongue couldn't have evolved]].
Creationist, administrador
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