
Index to Creationist Claims

72 bytes eliminados, 19:28 1 nov 2019
CB: Biología
*** CB035.1. [[(Talk.Origins) Earth's early atmosphere had abundant oxygen|Earth's early atmosphere had abundant oxygen]].
*** CB035.2. [[La atmósfera primitiva de la Tierra no tenía gases reductores]].
*** CB035.3. [[(Talk.Origins) Amino acids aren't generated from just Los aminoácidos no se generan solo a partir de CO2, nitrogen, and water|Amino acids aren't generated from just CO2, nitrogen, and waternitrógeno y agua]].
** CB040. [[(Talk.Origins) Life uses only left-handed amino acids|Life uses only left-handed amino acids]].
** CB050. [[(Talk.Origins) Abiogenesis is speculative, without evidence|Abiogenesis is speculative, without evidence]].
Creationist, administrador
37 993