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[[File:Tosefta-1-Zeraim-Zuckermandel.jpg|thumb|200px|First critical edition of the Tosefta by Moses Samuel Zuckermandl (1876).]]
The La '''Tosefta''' (Aramaic Arameo תוספתא "supplementsuplemento, additionadición"<ref name="Birnbaum">{{cite bookcita libro|authorautor=Birnbaum, Philip|titletitulo=Encyclopedia of Jewish Concepts|publisher=Hebrew Publishing Company|location=New York|year=1979|isbn=0-88482-930-8}}</ref>) is a compilation of the Jewish oral law from the late 2nd century, the period of the [[Mishnah]].
In many ways, the Tosefta acts as a supplement to the Mishnah ({{Hebrew Name|משנה|Mishnah}}) but however must not be regarded as a later addition to the existing Mishnah.<ref>{{cite book|author=Danby, Herbert|year=2008|publisher=Forgotten Books|title=Tractate Sanhedrin, Mishnah and Tosefta|subtitle=The Judicial Procedure of the Jews|isbn=978-1-60506-741-4}}</ref> The Tosefta closely corresponds to the Mishnah, with the same divisions for ''sedarim'' ("orders") and ''masekhot'' ("tractates"). It is mainly written in Mishnaic [[Hebrew]], with some [[Aramaic]]. Compared to Mishnah Tosefta provides a more detailed version of the Tannaitic teachings.<ref name="Birnbaum" /> According to rabbinic tradition, the Tosefta was redacted by Ḥiya bar Abba and one of his students, Hoshaiah II.<ref>Rashi in his commentary on [[Talmud]] Sanhedrin 33a, s.v. ''v'afilu ta'ah b'rebbi Hiyya''.</ref>
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