
Carl Werner

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Dr. '''Carl Werner''' received his undergraduate degree in Biology, with distinction, at the University of Missouri, graduating ''summa cum laude''.<ref name=amz>{{cite cita web|url=|title=Carl Werner at|accessdatefechaacceso=February 5, 7 de febrero 2013}}</ref> He received his doctoral degree in medicine at the age of 23 and practices family medicine in St Louis.<ref>{{cite cita web|url=|title= Dr Werner Biography|accessdatefechaacceso=February 5, 7 de febrero 2013}}</ref> He was the recipient of the Norman D Jones Science Award.<ref name=amz />
* {{cite bookcita libro|authorautor=Werner, Carl|titletítulo=[[Evolution: The Grand Experiment]]|yearaño=2007|publishereditorial=New Leaf Publishing Group|isbn=978-089221681-9}}* {{cite bookcita libro|authorautor=Werner, Carl|titletítulo=[[Living Fossils (book)|Evolution: The Grand Experiment: Vol. 2 - Living Fossils]]|volume=2|yearaño=2009|publishereditorial=New Leaf Publishing Group/New Leaf Press|isbn=978-089221691-8}}
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