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In En [[biologyBiología]] within either creation or evolution assumptionya sea dentro de la presunción de la creación o la evolución, a un '''locus''' (plural being es '''loci'''<ref name="Meidanis">{{cite bookcita libro|authorautor=Setubal, João; Meidanis, João|titletítulo=Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology|locationubicación=Boston|publishereditorial=PWS Publishing Company|yearaño=1997|pagepágina=16|isbn=0-534-95262-3}}</ref>) is a specific location or several locations either within individuals of the same es una posición específica o varios lugares ya sea dentro de los individuos de la misma [[specieespecie]] or individuals from unrelated species in isolated populationso individuos de especies no relacionadas en poblaciones aisladas. It can be considered as synonymous with a gene or alleleSe puede considerar como sinónimo de un gen o alelo.<ref name="konopka">{{cite bookcita libro|editor=Konopka, Andrzej K.; Crabbe, M. James C|titletítulo=Compact handbook of Computational Biology|locationubicación=New York|publishereditorial=Marcel Dekker|yearaño=2004|pagepágina=476|volumes=|volume=|isbn=0-8247-0982-9}}</ref> A specific genetic sequence on a Una secuencia genética específica en un [[chromosomecromosoma]] where gene [[alleles]] are located. Although the locus is capable of considerable movement within the nucleus, it is not free to roam throughout the nucleus but is constrained as a result of attachments of the chromossome to nonchromossomal structures of the nucleus.<ref name=karp>{{cite book|last=Karp|first=Gerald|title=Cell and Molecular Biology:Concepts and experiments |edition=5th|publisher=John Wiley & Sons|year=2008|location=Hoboken, NJ|page=508|isbn=978-0-470-04217-5}}</ref>
: ''Main Article: [[{{Artículo principal|Genes]]''}}
Genes are the basic physical and functional units of heredity. They are molecular [[information]] that ultimately determine the traits possessed by any organism. A gene is a specific sequence of nucleotide bases on the DNA molecule ([[Deoxyribonucleic acid]]). The sequence of nucleotides specifies the information required for constructing [[proteins]], which provide the structural components of cells and tissues as well as [[enzymes]] for essential biochemical reactions. Typically the products of several genes are assembled to make a functional [[protein]]. Likewise a single gene can be involved with the production of several different proteins.
: ''Main Article: [[{{Artículo principal|Pseudogenes]]''}}
Pseudogenes are nonfunctional errors rarely with a functional gene counterpart and rarely able to be [[Transcription|transcribed]]. Pseudogenes are dependent on an [[organisms]] lifestyle and living relationships as well as rates of [[genome]] duplication and [[mutation]]. Found in three [[Taxonomy#Kingdoms|kingdoms of life]] primarily study within mainstream evolutionary science has been focused on the similar loci of [[primate]] and [[homo sapien]] pseudogenes in order to further establish humans common ancestry.<ref name=loc>[ ''Millions of Years of Evolution Preserved: A Comprehensive Catalog of the Processed Pseudogenes in the Human Genome''] By Zhaolei Zhang, Paul M. Harrison, Yin Liu, and Mark Gerstein1</ref><ref>[]</ref>
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[[Categoría: Biología Molecular]]
[[Categoría: Biología celular]]
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