
Nuevo Testamento

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[[File:Codex Vaticanus.jpg|thumb|250px|Page from [[Codex Vaticanus]] written ca. 350 AD]]
El '''Nuevo Testamento''' is a collection of twenty-seven books and letterses una colección de veintisiete libros y cartas, written by eyewitnesses and by people who attained testimony from eyewitnessesescritas por testigos y por las personas que obtuvieron el testimonio de testigos presenciales.<ref>[ Lecture with Dr. Peter Williams on the evidence that builds a case for eyewitness accounts in the New Testament] By Lanier Theological Library. Mar 23, 2011</ref> Being that the oldest extant manuscripts are in Greek and the context of [[hellenization]] that helped develop the culture of first century [[Palestine]], scholars have determined that the New Testament was originally written in Greek. Completed before 100 AD the emphasis of the New Testament is the [[life]], teachings, crucifixion, death, [[resurrection]] and gift of salvation of [[Jesus Christ|Jesus of Nazareth]]. There is also focus on the early [[history]] of the [[History of Christianity|Christian church]] within specifically the book of [[Acts]].
==Reading and Interpretation==
{{Biblia navcaja}}
[[en:New Testament]]
[[pt:Novo Testamento]]
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