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La leche en su estado natural contiene aproximadamente 87% de [[agua]], 3,5% de [[grasa]], 3,6% de [[proteína]], 4.9% de [[carbohidratos]] (lactosa) y [[minerales]] como el calcio y el [[fósforo]]. The amount of water is reduced to approximately 4% when in the form of milk powder.<ref>{{cite book|author=deMan, John M|title=Principles of Food Chemistry|edition=3rd|publisher=Aspen Publishers, Inc.|location=Gaithersburg, Maryland|year=1999|page=1;35;112; 164; 214|isbn=0-8342-1234-X}}</ref> Milk is also a source of vitamins [[Ascorbic acid|C]] (human milk 3.8 mg/100ml and [[cow]] milk 1.5 mg/100ml) and [[Vitamin D|D]] (human milk 0.8 μg/100ml and cow milk 0.15 μg/100ml).<ref>{{cite book|author=Truswell, A Stewart|title=ABC of Nutrition|edition=4th|publisher=BMJ Books|location=London|page=24|year=2003|isbn=0-7279-1664-5}}</ref> Lactose is a disaccharide found naturally only in milk and its derivatives and it is composed of galactose linked by a β 1-4 glycosidic bond to [[glucose]].<ref>{{cite book|author=Gropper, Sareen, S.; Smith, Jack L.; Groff, James L|title=Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism|year=2009|edition=5th|publisher=Wadsworth|location=Belmont, CA|page=67|isbn= 978-0-495-11657-8}}</ref>
==See alsoVéase también ==* [[BreastfeedingLactancia]]
[[CategoryCategoría:MammaliaMamíferos]][[CategoryCategoría: NutritionNutrición]]
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