

1225 bytes añadidos, 21:40 16 oct 2013
Página creada con '{{traducción}} right '''Heliocentrismo''' is a reference system where the sun is at the center. Our planetary system is heliocentric ...'
[[Image:Copernican system.jpg|350px|right]]

'''Heliocentrismo''' is a reference system where the [[sun]] is at the center. Our planetary system is heliocentric wherein the ten known planets are orbiting the sun, and is therefore known as a "[[solar system]]".

Early astronomers such as [[Nicolas Copernicus]], [[Galileo Galilei]], and [[Johannes Kepler]] helped revolutionize the previously held view of geocentrism, which was supported by Aristotle's [[cosmology]], and placed the [[Earth]] at the center. The Copernican theory proported that the [[sun]] was the center of the universe and the planets rotated around the sun each year. He also asserted that [[Earth]] had motion around its center, and a simple explanation for the [[retrograde motions]] of the [[planets]].

== Enlaces externos ==
* [ Evidence for Heliocentricity] by Mr. Kari A.Tikkanen 9 October 2000

== Véase también ==
* [[Sistema Solar]]
* [[Tierra]]
* [[Geocentralidad]]
* [[Galactocentricidad]]

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[[Categoría: Astronomía]]
[[Categoría: Sistema Solar]]
[[Categoría: Cosmología]]
[[Categoría: Física]]

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