
Nuevo Testamento

16 bytes añadidos, 01:23 31 oct 2013
Hay dos métodos aceptados propuestos por los estudios bíblicos y en particular estudios bíblicos del Nuevo Testamento que cuando son seguidos, sirven como una especie de lecho de roca histórica de partida para defender la resurrección de Jesucristo, y la singularidad del Nuevo Testamento entre la literatura antigua. There is firstly the minimal facts method with its pioneer Hay en primer lugar el método de los hechos mínimos con su pionero Gary Habermas, recognized as a world authority on the resurrection of Jesusreconocido como una autoridad mundial en la resurrección de Jesús. Secondly there is what is called the general reliability method which is utilized to articulate a case for textual stability of the New Testament rather than the historicity of particular events within the life of Jesus.<ref>[ Recent Perspectives on the Reliability of the Gospels] by Gary R. Habermas. Originally published in the Christian Research Journal / vol. 28, no. 1, 2005.</ref>
===Método de mínimos hechos===
{{Artículo principal|Método de fiabilidad general}}
The general reliability method is [[apologetics]] from [[textual criticism]] that focuses on the textual features of the New Testament. As ancient literature the NT is compared with other literature from which there are surviving manuscripts. Specific categories of chronological criteria relative to biblical and non-biblical manuscripts are compared. The method formulated during the late 19th and early 20th centuries as [[archeological]] discoveries brought to light the manuscript and therefore textual data necessary to reason methodically. The general reliability method is underpinned by the whole range of practices within the field of [[textual criticism]]. So much so is the scholarly field so important for the general reliability method that the methodology is sometimes referred to as simply textual criticism of the New Testament. What that naturally amounts to is a unique status for the texts of the NT. The general reliability method is still used today by Christians but sophisticated treatments by apologists regard it in light of what was pioneered in the 1970's by [[Gary Habermas]] called the [[minimal facts method]].
==Libros del Nuevo Testamento==
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