
Index to Creationist Claims

53 bytes eliminados, 01:28 20 sep 2019
CB: Biología
*** CB326. [[(Talk.Origins) The woodpecker tongue couldn't have evolved|The woodpecker tongue couldn't have evolved]].
*** CB340. [[(Talk.Origins) Organs and organ systems would be useless until all parts are in place|Organs and organ systems would be useless until all parts are in place]].
*** CB341. [[(Talk.Origins) Snake venom and hollow fangs couldn't have evolved simultaneously|Snake venom and hollow fangs couldn't have evolved simultaneouslyEl veneno de serpiente y los colmillos huecos no podrían haber evolucionado simultáneamente]].
** CB350. [[(Talk.Origins) Sex can't have evolved|Sex can't have evolved]].
*** (see also [[CB610]]: no mate for 1st of a species.)
Creationist, administrador
38 029