

48 bytes añadidos, 15:38 2 oct 2019
Definiciones o caracterizaciones
{{cquote|La información es una diferencia que hace la diferencia.<ref>{{cita web|url=||título=The Economy of Ideas: A framework for patents and copyrights in the Digital Age. (Everything you know about intellectual property is wrong.)|autor=Barlow, John Perry|fechaacceso=29 de octubre |añoacceso=2013}}</ref>}}
Valdemar W.Setzer<ref group=nota>Dr. Valdemar W.Setzer is a well-known Brazilian computer scientist. He is is a signatory to the list named "[[A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism]]". Found in: {{cite web|url=|title=A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism (List)|accessdate=July 31, 2013}}</ref>
{{cquote|Information is an informal abstraction (that is, it cannot be formalized through a logical or mathematical theory) which is in the mind of some person in the form of thoughts, representing something of significance to that person. Note that this is not a definition, it is a characterization, because "mind", "thought", "something", "significance" and "person" cannot be well defined. I assume here an intuitive (naïve) understanding of these terms.<ref name=setzer>{{cite web|url=|author=Setzer, Valdemar W.|title=Data, Information, Knowledge and Competence|accessdatefechaacceso=July 31, de julio de 2013}}</ref>}}
{{cquote|InformationLa información, in its most restricted technical senseen su sentido técnico más restringido, is a sequence of symbols that can be interpreted as a messagees una secuencia de símbolos que pueden interpretarse como un mensaje. Information can be recorded as signs, or transmitted as signalsLa información puede registrarse como signos o transmitirse como señales. Information is any kind of event that affects the state of a dynamic system that can interpret the informationLa información es cualquier tipo de evento que afecta el estado de un sistema dinámico que puede interpretar la información.<ref>{{cite web|url=|publisher=Wikipedia|title=Information|accessdate=July 31, 2013}}</ref>}}
Answer of some of those present in the lectures of Stephen Talbott to a large audience of librarians;
{{cquote|That's the stuff we work with.<ref name=setzer />}}
Creationist, administrador
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