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'''Dios''' is the single, [[Omnipotence|omnipotent]], [[Omniscience|omniscient]], and [[Omnipresence|omnipresent]] deity as described in [[monotheistic religions]] — the sole creator and ruler of the [[universe]].
God has many names and titles, most notably '''Yahweh''' or '''Jehovah''' ({{Hebrew NameNombre Hebreo|יהוה|Yāhwēh}}; {{Greek NameNombre Griego|Ἰαουέ|Iaouē}}; {{Latin NameNombre Latino|Iahveh}}) in [[Christianity]], '''Lord''' ({{Hebrew Name|אֲדֹנָי|ʼAḏōnāy}}) in [[Judaism]], and '''Allah''' ({{Arabic Name|الله|Allāh}}) in [[Islam]]. Most [[theists]] hold that God is perfect, omnipotent, omniscient, and benevolent. Questions regarding the existence and nature of God falls under the branch of [[philosophy]] known as [[metaphysics]].
Various views on the [[ontology]] of God:
Creationist, administrador
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