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En Biología ya sea dentro de la presunción de la creación o la evolución, un locus (plural es loci[1]) es una posición específica o varios lugares ya sea dentro de los individuos de la misma especie o individuos de especies no relacionadas en poblaciones aisladas. Se puede considerar como sinónimo de un gen o alelo.[2] Una secuencia genética específica en un cromosoma where gene alleles are located. Although the locus is capable of considerable movement within the nucleus, it is not free to roam throughout the nucleus but is constrained as a result of attachments of the chromossome to nonchromossomal structures of the nucleus.[3]



Genes are the basic physical and functional units of heredity. They are molecular information that ultimately determine the traits possessed by any organism. A gene is a specific sequence of nucleotide bases on the DNA molecule (Deoxyribonucleic acid). The sequence of nucleotides specifies the information required for constructing proteins, which provide the structural components of cells and tissues as well as enzymes for essential biochemical reactions. Typically the products of several genes are assembled to make a functional protein. Likewise a single gene can be involved with the production of several different proteins.


Pseudogenes are nonfunctional errors rarely with a functional gene counterpart and rarely able to be transcribed. Pseudogenes are dependent on an organisms lifestyle and living relationships as well as rates of genome duplication and mutation. Found in three kingdoms of life primarily study within mainstream evolutionary science has been focused on the similar loci of primate and homo sapien pseudogenes in order to further establish humans common ancestry.[4][5]


  1. Setubal, João; Meidanis, João (1997). Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology. Boston: PWS Publishing Company. p. 16. ISBN 0-534-95262-3. 
  2. Konopka, Andrzej K.; Crabbe, M. James C, ed (2004). Compact handbook of Computational Biology. New York: Marcel Dekker. p. 476. ISBN 0-8247-0982-9. 
  3. Plantilla:Cite book
  4. Millions of Years of Evolution Preserved: A Comprehensive Catalog of the Processed Pseudogenes in the Human Genome By Zhaolei Zhang, Paul M. Harrison, Yin Liu, and Mark Gerstein1