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Robert Gentry

103 bytes añadidos, 13:16 21 oct 2012
sin resumen de edición
'''Dr. Robert V. Gentry''' is a es un [[físico nuclear physicist]] who worked , quien trabajó 13 years for the Oakridge National Laboratory años para el Laboratorio Nacional de Oak Ridge ('69-'82). He has spent the major part of his scientific career investigating traces of Ha pasado la mayor parte de su carrera científica investigando los rastros de [[poloniumradioactividad]] del [[radioactivitypolonio]] inscribed in consignados en [[granitegranito]] and is arguably the world's leading authority on y es sin duda la principal autoridad mundial en [[Pleochroic halospleocroicos|polonium halosdel polonio]]. His research has resulted in authoring or co-authoring over twenty research papers in scientific publicationsSu investigación se ha traducido en la autoría o coautoría de más de veinte artículos de investigación en revistas científicas, such as tales como Science, Nature, Geophysical Research Letters, Annual Review of Nuclear Science, and y Earth and Planetary Science Letters. When he began his Cuando comenzó su [[researchinvestigación]], he was an él era un [[evolutionistevolucionista]]. TodayHoy en día, el Dr. Gentry is a fully convinced es un completamente convencido [[young earthtierra]] [[científico creacionista]] de la [[creation scientistjoven tierra]].
Gentry's work showed that granite was never in a molten condition, because polonium [[pleochroic halos]] survive only in solid rock and the half-life of polonium is much too short to survive a multimillion-year cooling time. His results seem to indicate that the [[Earth]] was created instantaneously, in a cool condition. If true, it is clear evidence for creation. Gentry documents his evidence in his book, [[Creation's Tiny Mystery]]. The book contains copies of Gentry's reports in scientific journals and an intriguing narrative about the scientific community's response to his published findings.
Creationist, administrador
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