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38 bytes añadidos, 22:44 17 mar 2013
Pauline Epistles
There is also [[Acts of the Apostles]] which is usually taken in conjunction with Luke and referred to as Luke-Acts.
===Pauline EpistlesEpístolas Paulinas===: ''Main Article: [[Pauline epistles]]''{{Artículo principal|Epístolas paulinas}}
These are letters written to various early Christian communities by the Apostle PaulEstas son las cartas escritas a diversas comunidades cristianas por el apóstol Pablo.*[[Epistle to the RomansEpístola a los Romanos]]*[[First Epistle to the CorinthiansPrimera Epístola a los Corintios]]*[[Second Epistle to the CorinthiansSegunda Epístola a los Corintios]]*[[Epistle to the GalatiansEpístola a los Gálatas]]*[[Epistle to the PhilippiansEpístola a los Filipenses]]*[[First Epistle to the ThessaloniansPrimera Epístola a los Tesalonicenses]]*[[Second Epistle to the ThessaloniansSegunda Epístola a los Tesalonicenses]]*[[Epistle to the EphesiansEpístola a los Efesios]]*[[Epistle to the ColossiansEpístola a los Colosenses]]*[[First Epistle to TimothyPrimera Epístola a Timoteo]]*[[Second Epistle to TimothySegunda Epístola a Timoteo]]*[[Epistle to TitusEpístola a Tito]]*[[Epistle to PhilemonEpístola a Filemón]]*[[Epistle to the HebrewsEpístola a los Hebreos]]
===General Epistles===
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