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Index to Creationist Claims

56 bytes eliminados, 10:47 20 sep 2019
CB: Biología
** CB922. [[(Talk.Origins) No 2-celled life exists intermediate between one- and multi-celled|No 2-celled life exists intermediate between one- and multi-celled]].
** CB925. [[(Talk.Origins) We don't see creatures in various stages of completion|We don't see creatures in various stages of completion]].
** CB926. [[(Talk.Origins) Preadaptation implies organs evolved before they were needed|Preadaptation implies organs evolved before they were neededLa preadaptación implica que los órganos evolucionaron antes de ser necesarios]].
** CB928. [[¿Por qué los rasgos beneficiosos no evolucionan más a menudo?]].
*** CB928.1. [[Si la inteligencia es adaptativa, otros simios deberían haber evolucionado ella]].
Creationist, administrador
38 029