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Plantilla:Científicos Creacionistas

726 bytes añadidos, 11:03 30 nov 2008
sin resumen de edición
* [[E. Theo Agard]] Ph.D. Physics
* [[Jim Allan]] Ph.D. Genetics
* [[Mark Armitage]] M.S. Biology
* [[Russell Arndts]] Ph.D Chemistry
* [[Chris Ashcraft]] M.S. Biology, M.Ed
* [[Steven Austin]] Ph.D. Geology
* [[Geoff Barnard]] Ph.D
* [[John Baumgardner]] Ph.D. Geophysics and Space Physics
* [[Michael Behe]] Ph.D. Biochemistry
* [[Philip Bell]] Zoologist
* [[David Bergman]] M.S. Electrical Engineering
* [[Jerry Bergman]] Ph.D. Biology
* [[Guy Berthault]]* [[Kimberly Berrine]]Ph.D. Microbiology and Immunology
* [[Vladimir Betina]]
* [[Raymond Bohlin]] Ph.D. Biology
* [[Andrew Bosanquet]]
* [[Edward Boudreaux]] Ph.D. chemistryChemistry* [[Gerardus Bouw]] Ph.D Astronomy
* [[Stephen Boyd]]
* [[David Boylan]]
* [[Walter Bradley]] Ph.D. Materials Science
* [[Patrick Briney]] Ph.D. Microbiology
* [[Walt Brown]] Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering
* [[Nancy Bryson]] Ph.D. Chemistry
* [[John Byl]] Ph.D. in Astronomy
* [[Linn Carothers]]
* [[Robert Carter]] PhD in Marine Biology
* [[David Catchpoole]] Ph.D. in Plant Physiology
* [[Art Chadwick]] Ph.D. Biology
* [[Eugene Chaffin]] Ph.D. Theoretical Physics
* [[Choong-Kuk Chang]]
* [[Martin Ehde]] Ph.D. Mathematics
* [[Dennis Englin]] M.Sc., Ed.D.
* [[Raul Esperante-Caamano]]
* [[Danny Faulkner]] Ph.D. Astronomy
* [[Carl Fliermans]] Ph.D. Biology
* [[Duane Gish]] Ph.D. Biochemistry
* [[Werner Gitt]] Doctorate in engineering
* [[Guillermo Gonzales]] Ph.D. in Astronomy
* [[D.B. Gower]] Ph.D. Biochemistry
* [[Russell Grigg]] M.Sc. in Chemistry
* [[Raymond Jones]]
* [[Valery Karpounin]]
* [[Elaine Kennedy]]
* [[Dean Kenyon]] Ph.D. Biophysics
* [[John Klotz]] Ph.D Biology
* [[Angela Meyer]] Ph.D. Horticultural Science
* [[John Meyer]] Ph.D. Zoology
* [[Stephen Meyer]] Ph.D. History and Philosophy of Science
* [[Colin Mitchell]] Ph.D. Desert Terrain Geography
* [[Robert Mitchell]] M.D., B.A. Cell Biology
* [[John Moore]]
* [[John Moreland]] D.D.S
* [[Johnson C. Philip]] Ph.D. Quantum-Nuclear Physics
* [[Dave Phillips]] M.S. Physical Anthropology
* [[Sean D. Pitman]] M.D.
* [[Georgia Purdom]] Ph.D. Molecular Genetics
* [[Fazale Rana]] Ph.D. Chemistry
* [[David Rogstad]] Ph.D. in Physics
* [[Hugh Ross]] Ph.D. Astronomy
* [[Ariel Roth]] Ph.D. Biology
* [[Robert Russell]] Ph.D. Physics
* [[John Sanford]] Ph.D. Plant Breeding and Genetics
* [[Jonathan Sarfati]] Ph.D., F.M.
* [[Joachim Scheven]]
* [[Gerald Schroeder]]
* [[Giuseppe Sermonti]] Geneticist
* [[G. Thomas Sharp]]
* [[Frank Sherwin]] M.A. Zoology
* [[Emil Silvestru]] Ph.D Geology
* [[Andrew Snelling]] Ph.D. Geology
* [[Lee Spencer]] Ph.D. Biology
* [[Lee Spetner]] Ph.D. Physics
* [[Timothy Standish]] Ph.D. Biology
* [[Charles Thaxton]] Ph.D. Chemistry
* [[Ker Thomson]]
* [[Laurence Tisdall]]
* [[Howard Van Till]]
* [[Michael Todhunter]] Ph.D. Forest Genetics
* [[Jonathan Wells]] Ph.D. Biology
* [[Monty White]] Ph.D. in Gas Kinetics
* [[John Whitmore]]
* [[Carl Wieland]] M.D.
* [[Clifford Wilson]] M.A. archaeology (Ph.D. Psycholinguistics)
* [[Jay Wile]] Ph.D. Nuclear Chemistry
* [[Kurt Wise]] Ph.D. Geology
* [[Bryant Wood]]
* [[Todd Wood]] Ph.D. Biochemistry/Genomics
* [[R. L. Wysong]] D.V.M
* [[Henry Zuill]] Ph.D. Biology
* [[Jeffrey Zweerink]]<noinclude>
[[en:Template:Creation scientist]]
[[fr:Modèle:Scientifique créationniste]]