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George McCready Price

3957 bytes añadidos, 11:30 12 mar 2013
Página creada con '{{traducción}} '''George McCready Price''' (Born::August 26, 1870Died::January 24, 1963) was a Canadian creation scientist, known as the father of [...'
'''George McCready Price''' ([[Born::August 26, 1870]] – [[Died::January 24, 1963]]) was a [[Canada|Canadian]] [[creation scientist]], known as the father of [[flood geology]]. He was born and reared in the Maritime Provinces of Canada, and was a scientifically self taught. As a youth, he joined the [[Seventh-day Adventist Church|Seventh-day Adventists]], where he remained active throughout his life. He taught as a missionary at Battle Creek College (now Andrews University).

In 1902 he published ''Outlines of Modern Christianity'' and ''Modern Science'' this would be the first in along series of works. He devoted much of his life making flood geology known to the world. Flood geology explains why there are large amounts of sediment all over the world and therefore why the world appears to be millions of years old. The theory states that [[Noah's flood]] is the cause of all this sediment and the world is actually only about 10,000 years old according to the biblical account. In 1906 he published ''Illogical Geology'', in which emphasized that the only really effective way to defeat evolution was to show that its geologic-age framework is invalid.<ref name=hmc>{{cite book|author=Morris, Henry|title=History of Modern Creationism|page=60-61|year=1984|publisher=Master Book Publishers|location=San Diego, California|isbn=0-89051-102-0}}</ref>

== Publicaciones ==
* {{cita libro|autor=Price, George McCready|título=Illogical Geology: The Weakest Point in the Evolution Theory|editorial=Ulan Press|año=2012|url=}} (Este libro fue publicado originalmente en 1906)
* [ Debates on the Meaning of Life, Evolution and Spiritualism] información de compra.
*{{cita libro|autor=Price, George McCready|título=God's Two Books: Plain facts about evolution, geology, and the Bible|año=1911|editorial=Washington, Review and Herald|pages=183|url=
}} ([ text], [ acrobat] and [ djvu])
*{{cita libro|autor=Price, George McCready|título=Q. E. D., or New Light on the Doctrine of Creation|año=1917|editorial=[[Fleming H. Revell]]|isbn=|oclc=287264452|url=}}
*{{cita libro|autor=Price, George McCready|título=Poisoning Democracy: A Study of the Moral and Religious Aspects of Socialism|año=1921|editorial=Fleming H. Revell|isbn=
*{{cita libro|autor=Price, George McCready|título=The New Geology|año=1923|editorial=Pacific Press}}
*{{cita libro|autor=Price, George McCready|título=The Predicament of Evolution|año=1925|url=}} online book by George McCready Price
*{{cita libro|autor=Price, George McCready|título=Evolutionary Geology and the New Catastrophism|año=1926|editorial=Pacific Press}}

== Véase también ==
* [[creacionistas]]
* [[científicos creacionistas]]
* [[científicos creacionistas históricos]]
* [[Historia del creacionismo]]


==Enlaces externos==
* [ George McCready Price and ‘Flood Geology’] por Counterbalance
* [ Información biográfica]
* [ George McCready Price] por la Wikipedia en Inglés

{{biografía navcaja}}
[[Categoría:creacionista histórico|Price, George M]]
[[Categoría:geólogo|Price, George M]]

[[pt:George McCready Price]]
Creationist, administrador
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