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Pendiente resbaladiza

17 bytes añadidos, 01:05 31 oct 2013
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[[File:Falacia Lógica.png|200px|right]]
La Falacia de la '''Slippery slopePendiente resbaladiza''' also known as tambén conocida como falacia de la '''absurd extrapolationbola de nieve''', '''thin edge of the wedgeefecto dominó''', '''domino fallacy''' or 'o la ''camel's nosenariz del camello'''<ref name=three>{{cite book|author=Bennett, Bo|title=Logically...Fallacious:The Ultimate Collection of Over 300 Logical Fallacies||location=Sudbury, MA|year=2012|page=199|isbn=978-1-4566-0752-4}}</ref> is an informal fallacy which occurs when the conclusion of an argument relies on a supposed chain reaction, starting from a relatively insignificant first event, leading to a more significant event, and so forth, until an ultimate event take place, and there is no sufficient reason to think that the chain reaction will actually take place.<ref name=hurley>{{cite book|author=Hurley, Patrick J|title=A Concise Introduction to Logic|publisher=Thompson Wadsworth|location=Belmont, CA|edition=10th|year=2008|page=139|isbn=978-0-495-50383-5}}</ref><ref name=three />
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