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[[File:Quiralidad.png|thumb|200px|Asignación de las configuraciones R y S en un centro quiral.]]
'''Homochirality''' refers to the property of a group of molecules having the same [[chirality]]. A substance is said to be homochiral if all the constituent units are molecules of the same chiral form ([[enantiomer]]). Life requires polymers with all building blocks having the same chiral form, such as DNA and RNA having only 'right-handed' sugars and proteins being formed only by 'left-handed' amino acids.<ref>{{cite book|author=Sarfati, Jonathan|authorlink=Jonathan Sarfati|title=[[By Design]]|publisher=Creation Book Publishers|year=2008|location=Australia|page=175|isbn=978-0-949906-72-4}}</ref> Homochirality is a unique property of living matter and gradually disappears after the death of living matter. Homochirality presents a challenge to materialists who need to explain the origin of life via purely natural mechanisms.
Creationist, administrador
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