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Molecules like amino acids are Las moléculas como los aminoácidos son '''chiralquirales''', meaning they exist as optical lo que significa que existen como [[isomersisómeros]] of each otherópticos de cada otro. A Una molécula "chiralquiral" molecule (from the desde el {{Greek NameNombre Griego|χειρ|cheir}}<ref name=bio>{{cite bookcita libro|authorautor=Voet, Donald; Voet, Judith V|titletítulo=Biochemistry|editionedición=4th|publishereditorial=John Wiley & Sons|pagepágina=74|locationubicación=River Street, Hoboken, NJ|yearaño=2011|isbn=978-0470-57095-1}}</ref>, {{Greek Name2Nombre Griego2|χειρός|cheiros}}, a handuna mano) is one that can not be superimposed on its mirror imagees una que no se puede superponer sobre su imagen especular. Just as left and right hands are mirror images and not the sameAsí como las manos izquierda y derecha son imágenes especulares y no las mismas, chiral molecules have the same things attached in the same orderlas moléculas quirales tienen las mismas cosas unidas en la misma orden, but opposite of each otherpero de sentido opuesto una de la otra.
The two isomeric forms ([[enantiomer|enantiomers]]) of [[amino acids]] are known as the D and L forms.<ref name=bydesign>{{cita libro|autor=Dembski, William A|enlaceautor=William Dembski|título=The Design of Life: Discovering Signs of Inteligence in Biological Systems|editorial=The Foundation for Thought and Ethics|ubicación=Dallas|año=2008|página=227-228|isbn=978-0-9800213-0-1}}</ref> Enantiomeric molecules are physically and chemically indistinguishable by most of the techniques available and only when probed asymmetrically, for instance, by plane-polarized light can they be distinguished.<ref name=bio /> Although most amino acids (except for [[glycine]], which is non-chiral) can exist in both L and D forms, [[life]] on Earth is made of only L-form amino acids.<ref>{{citar livro|autor=Sarfati, Jonathan|autorlink=Jonathan Sarfati|título=[[By Design]]|editora=Creation Book Publishers|ano=2008|local=Australia|página=175|isbn=978-0-949906-72-4}}</ref> The L form is found in proteins. The D form is found in only some [[proteins]] that are formed by exotic sea dwelling organisms. No one knows why this is the case, but it offers strong evidence that life was designed rather than the result of random [[Abiogenesis|chemical evolution]].
The ''formula mass'' of any compound (ionic or molecular) is equal to the sum of the [[atomic mass|atomic masses]] of its constituent elements. If the compound is molecular, then the terms ''molecular mass'' or ''molar mass'' may properly describe this quantity.
{{Chemistry portal}}== See Also Véase también ==* [[Cell BiologyBiología Celular]]* [[GeneticsGenética]]* [[Gene ExpressionExpresión Génica]]* [[Amino AcidsAminoácidos]]
==Related referencesEnlaces externos==
* [ Origin of life: the chirality problem by] [[Jonathan Sarfati]]. TJ 12(3):263–266. December 1998
* [ Evolution Hopes You Don't Know Chemistry: The Problem with Chirality] by [[Charles McCombs]], Ph.D.
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