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Revisión del 17:49 4 nov 2019

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Artículo Respuesta
Esto artículo (La evolución no explica la música (Talk.Origins)) es una respuesta a una refutación de una reivindicación creacionista publicado por Talk.Origins Archive bajo el título Index to Creationist Claims (Índice de las reivindicaciones creacionistas).

Main Article: Music

Alegación CB421:

La evolución no explica la música

Respuesta de la CreationWiki:

Note there is no source given for this claim.

Music comes out of a Creation model more naturally since our Creator would have had to have creative ability. Evolution, on the other hand, is only as capable of explaining creative ability such as music as it is the human mind and brain.

1. This is an argument from incredulity. Not knowing how something is explained does not mean it cannot be explained.
2. There is evidence that music is related to language. An out-of-place chord triggers a part of the brain that recognizes correct syntax (Clarke 2001; Maess et al. 2001). Thus an appreciation of music could have arisen, at least in part, as a side-effect of the evolution of language. Another hypothesis is that music arose in parallel with sociality, as a means of linking people through such communal activities as dance and rhythm (Benzon 2001).