Index to Creationist Claims
La página web Talk.Origins Archive titulada Index to Creationist Claims, consiste en una lista de supuestas refutaciones a los argumentos creacionistas contra el evolucionismo. Gran parte de la lista se publicó posteriormente en 2005 como el The Counter-Creationism Handbook.
Algunas de estas afirmaciones son utilizadas regularmente por los creacionistas, algunas son poco frecuentes y otras no se utilizan en absoluto. No todas las objeciones planteadas por la Talk.Origins son incorrectas, pero es importante que los creacionistas respondan a esta lista anti-creacionista.
Esta página contiene vínculos a las respuestas de los creacionistas a cada una de las "refutaciones" que se encuentran en el sitio web Talk.Origin.
CA: Philosophy and Theology
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- CA000: Ethics
- CA001. Evolution is the foundation of an immoral worldview.
- CA002. La supervivencia del más apto implica poder hacer lo correcto.
- CA002.1. La evolución conduce al darwinismo social.
- CA002.2. Marx admiraba y correspondía con Darwin.
- CA005. Evolution is racist.
- CA005.1. Darwin himself was racist.
- CA005.2. El trabajo de Darwin se refiere a la "preservación de las razas favorecidas".
- CA005.3. T.H. Huxley was racist.
- CA006. La evolución fomenta la eugenesia.
- CA006.1. Hitler based his views on Darwinism.
- CA006.2. Stalin's policies were influenced by Darwin.
- CA008. Evolution encourages promiscuity and lust.
- CA009. Evolution teaches that we are animals and to behave as such.
- CA010. Homosexuality receives approval from evolutionists.
- CA012. Evolutionists are intellectual snobs.
- CA040. Fairness demands evolution and creation be given equal time.
- CA041. Teach the controversy.
- CA042. Biology can reasonably be taught without evolution.
- CA045. Inherit the Wind is false propaganda.
- (see also CH010: Creationism is good.)
- CA100-CA499: Epistemology
- CA100: Foundation of Knowledge
- CA100. Argument from incredulity
- CA110: Argument from Authority
- CA110. Evolution will soon be widely rejected.
- CA111. Many current scientists reject evolution.
- CA112. Many scientists find problems with evolution.
- CA113. Quote-mining
- CA113.1. Darwin sobre la evolución del ojo.
- CA114. Many famous scientists were creationists.
- CA114.1. Lord Kelvin was a creationist.
- CA114.2. Linnaeus was a creationist.
- CA114.4. Babbage was a creationist.
- CA114.10. Fabre was a creationist.
- CA114.22. Louis Pasteur fue un creacionista.
- CA114.28. Steno was a creationist.
- CA115.1. Los argumentos de diseño convirtieron al ateo Antony Flew en teísta.
- CA118. Your arguments don't count because you are not qualified.
- CA120. An evolved mind is fallible, its conclusions untrustworthy.
- CA131. Darwin sufría de psiconeurosis.
- CA200: Theory of Science
- CA201. Evolution is only a theory.
- CA202. Evolution hasn't been proved.
- CA210. La evolución no hace predicciones.
- CA211. Evolution can't be falsified.
- CA212. Evolution is ambiguously defined.
- CA215. Evolution is a useless theory.
- CA220. Evolution can't be replicated.
- CA221. Were you there?
- CA230. Interpreting evidence is not the same as observation.
- CA230.1. Evolutionists interpret evidence based on their preconceptions.
- (see also CI402: Evolutionists refuse to see design.)
- CA230.1. Evolutionists interpret evidence based on their preconceptions.
- CA240. Ockham's Razor says simplest explanation (creation) is preferred.
- CA250. Scientific findings are always changing.
- CA300-CA499: Scientific Method
- CA301. Science is naturalistic. (see also CA601: (Methodological naturalism)
- CA301.1. Naturalistic science will miss a supernatural explanation.
- (see also CI401: Science's method rules out design.)
- CA301.1. Naturalistic science will miss a supernatural explanation.
- CA310. Scientists find what they expect to find.
- CA320. Scientists are pressured not to challenge established dogma.
- CA321. Scientists are motivated to support naturalism and reject creationism.
- CA325. Creationists are prevented from publishing in science journals.
- CA340. Evolutionists don't accept debate challenges.
- CA350. No gradual biochemical evolution models have been published.
- CA301. Science is naturalistic. (see also CA601: (Methodological naturalism)
- CA500. "La supervivencia del más apto" es una tautología.
- CA510. Creationism and evolution are the only 2 models.
- CA520. El origen de las especies no aborda la especiación.
- CA100: Foundation of Knowledge
- CA600: Theology
- (see also CH: Biblical Creationism)
- CA601. Evolution requires naturalism.
- CA601.1. Evolution's materialism or naturalism denies a role for God.
- (see also CA301: Science is naturalistic.)
- (see also CI401: Science's method rules out design.)
- CA602. Evolution is atheistic.
- CA603. Naturalistic evolution rules out all but a Deist god.
- CA610. Evolution is a religion.
- CA611. Evolutionary theory has become sacrosanct.
- CA612. Evolution requires as much faith as creationism.
- CA620. If man comes from random causes, life has no purpose or meaning.
- CA622. Without a literal Fall, there is no need for Jesus and redemption.
- CA630. Animals are not moral, aesthetic, idealistic, or religious.
- CA640. Do you want to be descended from a monkey?
- CA650. Death and suffering before humanity implies an unmerciful God.
- CA660. Pope's statement about evolution was mistranslated.
- CA662. It is not true that the church used to teach a flat earth.
CB: Biología
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- CB0: Abiogenesis
- CB000. Pasteur proved life only comes from life (law of biogenesis).
- CB010. The odds of life forming are incredibly small.
- CB015. DNA needs proteins to form; Proteins need DNA.
- CB020. Why isn't new life still being generated today?
- CB025. Not all amino acids needed for life have been formed experimentally.
- CB026. Abiogenesis experiments produce toxins such as cyanide and formaldehyde.
- CB030. Early molecules would have decayed.
- CB035. Miller's experiments had invalid assumption of type of atmosphere.
- CB040. Life uses only left-handed amino acids.
- CB050. Abiogenesis is speculative, without evidence.
- CB090. Evolution is baseless without a theory of abiogenesis.
- CB100: Genetics
- CB100. Mutations are rare.
- CB101. Most mutations are harmful.
- CB102. Mutations don't add information.
- CB110. Microevolution selects only existing variation.
- CB120. Genetic load from mutations would make populations unviable.
- CB121. Cost of natural selection is prohibitive (Haldane's dilemma).
- CB130. "Junk" DNA is not really junk.
- CB141. Chromosome counts differ greatly and unsystematically between species.
- CB144. Human and chimp genomes differ by more than one percent.
- CB150. Las secuencias genéticas funcionales son demasiado raras como para haber evolucionado unas de otras.
- CB180. The genetic code is a language.
- CB200: Molecular Biology
- CB200. Some systems are irreducibly complex.
- CB211. An antigen receptor protein structure is same in camels and sharks.
- (see also CA350: No gradualistic biochemical models published.)
- CB300: Physiology and Anatomy
- CB300. Complex organs couldn't have evolved.
- CB301. The eye is too complex to have evolved.
- (see also CB921.1: What use is half an eye?)
- CB302. The ear is too complex to have evolved.
- CB303. The brain is too complex to have evolved.
- (see also CB400: Behavior and Cognition)
- CB310. The bombardier beetle is too complex to have evolved.
- CB311. La metamorfosis de las mariposas es demasiado compleja para haber evolucionado.
- CB325. The giraffe neck couldn't evolve without a special circulatory system.
- CB326. The woodpecker tongue couldn't have evolved.
- CB340. Los órganos y sistemas de órganos serían inútiles hasta que todas las partes estén en su lugar.
- CB341. El veneno de serpiente y los colmillos huecos no podrían haber evolucionado simultáneamente.
- CB301. The eye is too complex to have evolved.
- CB350. Sex can't have evolved.
- (see also CB610: no mate for 1st of a species.)
- CB360. Vestigial organs may have functions.
- CB360.1. The human appendix is functional, not vestigial.
- (see also CB130: Junk DNA not really junk.)
- CB361. Vestigial organs are just evidence of decay, not evolution.
- CB365. Spinal treatments based on evolutionary theory fail.
- CB370. Las endorfinas al morir indican un creador benéfico, no la evolución.
- CB381. Men have fewer ribs than women.
- CB300. Complex organs couldn't have evolved.
- CB400: Behavior and Cognition
- CB400. Evolution can't explain consciousness.
- CB401. Los instintos son demasiado complejos para haber evolucionado.
- CB402. La evolución no explica la habilidad del lenguaje.
- CB403. La evolución no explica la homosexualidad.
- CB411. Evolution doesn't explain morals.
- CB420. La evolución no explica el arte.
- CB421. La evolución no explica la música.
- CB430. La evolución no explica la personalidad y las emociones.
- CB440. La evolución no explica la religión.
- CB500: Botany
- CB600: Ecology and Population Biology
- CB601. The traditional peppered moth story is no longer supportable.
- CB601.1. Peppered moths don't rest on tree trunks, and pictures of them there were faked.
- CB601.2. Peppered moths occur in uncamouflaged colors in many areas.
- CB601.2.1. Dark moths never completely replaced light ones in Manchester.
- CB601.2.2. In several areas dark moths were more common than expected.
- CB601.2.3. Dark moths increased in s. Britain after pollution control began.
- CB601.2.4. In places, light moths increased before lichens reappeared.
- CB601.2.5. Light moths increased before trees got lighter.
- CB601.3. La mutagénesis directa explica mejor la variación de la polilla moteada.
- CB601.4. Una mayor tasa de recuperación sugiere fraude en los datos de Kettlewell.
- (see also CB910.2: Peppered moths remain same species.)
- CB610. El primer individuo de una nueva especie no encontraría un compañero.
- CB620. Human population growth indicates a young earth.
- CB621. Humanity was traced back to an African Eve.
- CB630. Mutually dependent species could not have evolved.
- CB601. The traditional peppered moth story is no longer supportable.
- CB700: Developmental Biology
- CB701. Haeckel falsified his embryo pictures.
- CB701.1. Recapitulation theory is not supported.
- CB704. Human embryos don't have gill slits.
- CB710. Genes with major effects on development are conserved across phyla.
- CB731. Finger development disproves birds descended from dinosaurs.
- CB732. Finger development differs greatly between human and frog.
- CB751 Simetría bilateral y evolución
- CB701. Haeckel falsified his embryo pictures.
- CB800: Systematics
- CB801. Science can't define "species".
- CB805. Evolution predicts a continuum of organisms, not discrete kinds.
- (see also CC201: smooth continuum through the fossil record.)
- CB810. Homology can't be evidence of ancestry if it is defined thus.
- CB811 Homologous structures and genes.
- CB821. Phylogenetic analyses are inconsistent.
- CB822. Evolution from a single ancestor is discredited.
- CB900: Evolution
- (see also CB102: Mutations don't add information.)
- CB901. Macroevolution has never been observed.
- CB902. Microevolution is distinct from macroevolution.
- CB902.1. There are barriers to large change.
- CB902.2. Small changes do not imply large changes.
- CB904. No entirely new features have evolved.
- (see also CB101.2: mutations don't produce new features.)
- CB910. No se han observado nuevas especies.
- CB920. No new body parts have evolved.
- CB921. New structures would be useless until fully developed.
- (see also CB30: complex organs can't evolve.)
- CB921.1. What use is half an eye?.
- CB921.2. What use is half a wing?.
- CB922. No existe una vida de 2 celdas intermedia entre una y varias celdas.
- CB925. No vemos criaturas en varias etapas de finalización.
- CB926. La preadaptación implica que los órganos evolucionaron antes de ser necesarios.
- CB928. ¿Por qué los rasgos beneficiosos no evolucionan más a menudo?.
- CB929. La evolución no explica nuestro uso de 1/10 de nuestro cerebro.
- CB930. Some fossil species are still living.
- CB932. Algunas especies modernas son aparentemente degeneradas, no de formas superiores.
- CB940. El azar puro no puede crear nuevas estructuras.
- CB941. How do things know how to evolve?
- CB950. A veces se produce una sobre-especialización sin valor adaptativo.
- CB951. Las tendencias a largo plazo (ortogénesis) no se ajustan a la teoría evolutiva.
- CB952. Dietas demasiado especializadas y la evolución
- CB990. Proposed evolution scenarios are just-so stories.
CC: Paleontology
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Plantilla:Portal paleontología
- CC0: Physical Anthropology
- CC000-CC049: Questionable fossils
- CC000: Specific hominid fossils were hoaxed
- CC020: Specific hominid fossils were misidentified
- CC021. "Orce Man" was a donkey skull.
- CC030. All human fossils would fit on a billiard table.
- CC040. Anthropologists disagree.
- CC041. Homo habilis is an invalid taxon.
- CC050. All hominid fossils are fully human or fully ape.
- CC051. Neandertal was based on a disfigured human.
- CC051.1. Neandertals were humans with rickets.
- CC052. Laetoli footprints were human.
- CC054. KP 271 (a fossil humerus) was human.
- CC061. Científicos franceses llaman el Hombre de Pekín "simiesco".
- CC080. Australopithecus was fully ape, closer to chimp.
- CC100: Human fossils are out of place.
- CC101. Human footprints have been found with dinosaur tracks at Paluxy.
- CC102. Sandal footprints have been found associated with trilobites.
- CC110. Moab man was found in Cretaceous sandstone.
- CC111. Malachite man was found in Cretaceous sandstone.
- CC112. Castenedolo, Olmo, and Calaveras skulls were found in Pliocene strata.
- CC120. Baugh encontró un dedo fosilizado del Cretáceo.
- CC130. Se encontró un martillo petrificado en rocas cretáceas.
- CC131. Iron pot in coal.
- CC150: Other Anthropology
- CC000-CC049: Questionable fossils
- CC200: Transitional fossils
- CC200. Transitional fossils are lacking.
- CC201. We should see smooth change through the fossil record, not gaps.
- CC201.1. Punctuated equilibrium was ad hoc to justify gaps.
- (see also CB805: smooth continuum among living creatures.)
- CC210: Specific examples of non-transition
- CC211. There are gaps between invertebrates and vertebrates.
- CC212. There are gaps between fish and amphibians.
- CC213. There are gaps between amphibians and reptiles.
- CC214. There are gaps between reptiles and birds.
- CC215. There are gaps between reptiles and mammals.
- CC216.1. There are gaps between land mammals and whales.
- CC216.2. Horse fossils don't show evolution.
- CC220. Arthropods arose suddenly.
- CC220.1. There are no fossil ancestors of insects.
- CC250. There are no fossil ancestors of plants.
- CC300: Fossil Record
- CC300. Cambrian explosion shows all kinds of life appearing suddenly.
- CC310: Dating of fossils
- (see also CD0: Geochronology)
- CC310. Fossils are dated from strata; strata are dated from fossils.
- (see also CD103: Geologic column assumes evolution.)
- CC330: Polystrate fossils
- CC340. Many fossils are out of place.
- (see also CC100: Human fossils out of place)
- CC341. Recent pollen has been found in old rocks.
- CC350: Some fossils are faked.
- (see also CC000: Hominid fossils were hoaxed)
- CC351. Archaeopteryx is a fake.
- CC352. Archaeoraptor was a fake.
- CC360: Taphonomy
- CC360. No se están formando nuevos fósiles.
- CC361. Fossils can form quickly.
- CC362. Large collections of fossils indicate catastrophism.
- CC363. Fossilization requires sudden burial.
- CC364. Sea fossils have been found on mountaintops.
- CC365. Footprints in Coconino sandstone appear to have been made underwater.
- CC371. Evidence of blood in a Tyrannosaurus bone indicates recent burial.
- CC371.1 Tyrannosaurus tissues from bone.
- CC373 Amonitas y fósiles bivalvos intactos.
- CC381 Quantity of Stone-Age skeletons.
- CC400: Methodology
CD: Geology
- CD0: Geochronology
- (see also CD241: Varves can form quickly.)
- CD000: Radiometric dating makes false assumptions
- CD001. Radiometric dating falsely assumes rocks are closed systems.
- CD002. Radiometric dating falsely assumes initial conditions are known.
- CD004. Los rayos cósmicos y los neutrinos libres afectan las tasas de descomposición de U y Ar.
- (see also CF200: Radiometric dating)
- CD010. Radiometric dating gives unreliable results.
- CD011. Carbon dating gives inaccurate results.
- CD011.1. Variable C14/C12 ratio invalidates C14 dating.
- CD011.2. Vollosovitch and Dima mammoths yielded inconsistent C14 dates.
- CD011.3. Los caracoles vivos fueron fechados por el C14 a los 2.300 y 27.000 años.
- CD011.4. A freshly killed seal was C14 dated at 1300 years old.
- CD011.5. Triassic wood from Australia was dated at 33K years old.
- CD011.6. Ancient coal and oil are C14 dated as only 50,000 years old.
- CD012. U-Th dating gives inaccurate results for modern volcanic rocks.
- CD013. K-Ar dating gives inaccurate results for modern volcanic rocks.
- CD014. Isochron dating gives unreliable results.
- CD015. Zircons retain too much helium for an old earth.
- CD016. The U-Th-Pb method, properly corrected for neutron capture, gives recent dates.
- CD011. Carbon dating gives inaccurate results.
- CD020. Consistency of radiometric dating comes from selective reporting.
- CD031. KBS Tuff shows the flaws of radiometric dating.
- CD100: Geological Column
- (see also CH540: Flood effects)
- CD101. Entire geological column doesn't exist.
- CD102. Geological column is sometimes out of order.
- CD103. Geologic column is based on the assumption of evolution.
- (see also CC310: Circular dating of fossils and strata.)
- CD110. Los cráteres de meteoros nunca se encuentran en estratos más profundos.
- CD111. Meteorites are never found in deeper strata.
- CD200: Sedimentation
- (see also CH540: Flood effects)
- CD200. Uniformitarian assumption is untenable.
- CD202. Sandstone & shale layers are too extensive for normal deposition.
- CD203. Limestone & dolomite layers are too extensive for normal deposition.
- CD210. Mouth of Colorado River doesn't have enough sediment for Grand Canyon.
- CD211. Mississippi delta could have formed in 5000 years.
- CD220. Not enough sediments in the ocean for an old earth.
- CD221. Oceans haven't enough dissolved minerals for an old earth.
- CD221.1. Amount of dissolved sodium in oceans
- CD222. Se agrega agua juvenil a los océanos demasiado rápido para una tierra vieja.
- CD230. El gas natural escapa demasiado rápido para permitir largas edades.
- CD231. High pressures in oil fields would have bled off if earth were old.
- CD232. La filtración de petróleo habría drenado los depósitos offshore en 20,000 años.
- CD240. Experiments show that strata can violate principles of superposition.
- CD241. Varves can form in less than a year.
- CD250. Stalactites can grow very rapidly.
- (see also CC365.1: Coconino sandstone deposited underwater.)
- CD300: Evaporation
- CD400: Glaciation
- CD500: Mountain Building
- CD600: Erosion
- (see also CH540: Flood effects)
- CD610. Erosion rate of Niagara Falls' rim indicates young earth.
- CD620. Average soil depth is consistent with young earth.
- CD700: Geophysics & Plate tectonics
- CD800: Climate Change
CE: Astronomy and Cosmology
- CE000: Earth
- CE100: Moon
- CE101. Not enough moon dust for an old universe.
- CE110. Moon is receding at a rate too fast for an old universe.
- CE130. Los terremotos lunares, los flujos de lava y las emisiones de gases indican su juventud.
- (see also CF220: Short-lived U-326, Th-230 found on moon.)
- CE200: Planets and Solar System
- CE210. La alta temperatura y la atmósfera de Venus deberían haber erosionado sus características superficiales.
- CF220. Short-lived U-326, Th-230 found on moon.
- CE230. La gran actividad volcánica de Io indica una edad temprana.
- CE231. Jupiter and Saturn are cooling too rapidly to be old.
- CE240. Los anillos de Saturno son inestables.
- CE260. Three planets and several moons revolve backwards.
- CE261. Comets wouldn't have lasted in an old universe.
- CE280. El viento solar debería haber limpiado el sistema solar interno de micropartículas.
- CE281. El efecto Poynting-Robertson eliminaría el polvo espacial en un viejo sistema solar.
- CE300: Sun & Stars
- CE301. Lack of solar neutrinos indicates stellar model is wrong.
- CE302. Sun has most of mass but little angular momentum of solar system.
- CE310. El sol que se encoge indica un sol joven.
- CE311. The faint young sun paradox contradicts an old earth.
- CE351. Sirius era una estrella roja hace 2000 años y ahora es una enana blanca.
- CE380. Galaxies should lose their spiral shape over millions of years.
- CE400: Cosmology
- (see also CI300: Anthropic principle)
- CE401. There are too few supernova remnants for an old universe.
- CE410. Physical constants are only assumed constant.
- CE411. Speed of light has changed.
- CE412. Gravitational time dilation made distant clocks run faster.
- (see also CF210: Radiometric dating assumes constant rates.)
- CE420. Big bang theory is wrong.
- CE421. Cosmos has an axis, contrary to big bang models.
- CE425. Red shift comes from light aging, not expansion of the universe.
- CE440. Where did space, time, energy, and laws of physics come from?
- CE441. Explosions such as the big bang don't produce order or information.
CF: Physics and Mathematics
- (see also CE400: Cosmology)
- CF000: 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and Information Theory
- (see also CB102: Mutations don't add information)
- (see also CE441: Explosions such as the big bang don't produce order or information)
- CF001. 2nd law of thermodynamics prohibits evolution
- CF001.1. Systems left to themselves invariably tend towards disorder
- CF001.2. The 2nd law, and the trend to disorder, is universal
- CF001.3. Instructions are necessary to produce order
- CF001.4. La segunda ley trata de la complejidad organizada, no de la entropía
- CF001.5. Evolution needs an energy conversion mechanism to utilize energy
- CF002. La complejidad no proviene de la simplicidad
- CF003. ¿Cómo podría reunirse la información, como en el ADN?
- CF005. 2nd law of thermodynamics applies to information theory
- CF010. Las simulaciones cibernéticas muestran que los procesos darwinianos no producen orden
- CF011. Evolutionary algorithms smuggle in design in the fitness function
- CF100: 1st Law of Thermodynamics
- CF101. The universe's energy can't come from nothing
- (see also CE440: Origin of everything; CI200: First cause)
- CF200: Radiometric Decay
- (see also CD000: Radiometric dating)
- CF201. Polonium haloes indicate a young earth
- CF210. Radiometric dating falsely assumes rates are constant
- (see also CE410: Physical constants only assumed constant.)
- CF220. Short-lived isotopes Th-230 and U-236 exist on the moon
CG: Miscellaneous Anti-Evolution
- CG000: History
- CG001. Darwin se retractó en su lecho de muerte
- CG010. The oldest living thing is younger than 4900 years
- CG020. 3000 years is time enough for all languages, religions to develop
- (see also CB620: Population growth.)
- CG030. Oldest structures, such as pyramids, are already very complex
- CG100: Linguistics
- CG200: Folklore
CH: Biblical Creationism
- CH000: Biblical Creationism Generally
- CH001. Creationism has explanatory power
- CH010. Creationism, being Bible-based, is good
- CH030. God is all-good
- (see also CA650: Death before humanity implies unmerciful God.)
- CH050. Genesis is foundational to the Bible
- CH055. Non-creationist Christians are compromisers
- CH100: Biblical Accuracy
- CH100. The Bible says it, I believe it, that settles it
- CH101. The Bible is inerrant
- CH102. The Bible is literal
- CH103. La Biblia reclama inspiración
- CH110. Prophecies prove the accuracy of the Bible
- CH120. The Bible must be accurate because archaeology supports it
- CH130. Bible's accuracy on other scientific points shows overall accuracy
- CH131. Bible says the earth is round
- CH132. Bible says the earth is unsupported
- CH133. Bible got water cycle right
- CH134. Records say civilization was man's original state
- CH135. Bible specifies good medical and hygienic practices
- (see also CB621: Humanity traced to an African Eve.)
- CH180: Bible is unique in other ways.
- CH181. Bible is popular
- CH182. La Biblia es influyente
- CH183. La Biblia es objeto de persecución
- CH184. La Biblia es intelectualmente honesta
- CH190. Bible is harmonious throughout
- CH200-CH799: Young Earth Creationism
- CH200: Age of the Universe
- CH300: Death and the Fall
- CH350: Kinds
- CH400-CH599: Flood
- CH400: Source of Flood
- CH401. Flood from vapor canopy
- CH410. Diluvio de un cometa
- CH420. Hydroplate theory
- CH430. Runaway subduction
- CH500: The Ark
- CH500. Noah's Ark has been found
- CH501. We can expect to find Noah's Ark on Mt. Ararat
- CH502.1. Noah's Ark may have been photographed on Ararat in 1949
- CH502.2. El satélite ERTS fotografió el Arca de Noé en 1973
- CH503. Noah's Ark has been found near Dogubayazit, Turkey
- CH504.1. James Bryce encontró una madera de 4 pies de altura en Ararat
- CH504.2. Navarra recuperó madera tallada a mano desde lo alto de Ararat
- CH504.3. Hardwicke Knight encontró vigas de madera blanda en Ararat
- CH505.1. Yearam guided 3 vile scientists to Noah's Ark in 1916
- CH505.2. An 1883 Turkish expedition found Noah's Ark
- CH505.3. Prince Nouri of Baghdad found the Ark in 1887
- CH505.4. Hagopian visitó el Arca con su tío alrededor de 1908
- CH505.5. Russian aviator Roskovitsky photographed the Ark
- CH505.6. Resit, a Kurdish farmer, found the Ark in 1948
- CH505.7. Local Kurds led Ed Davis to the Ark in 1943
- CH505.8. Ed Behling was led to the Ark in 1973
- CH508. Chinese treasure ships show Noah's Ark was feasible
- CH510-CH529: Animals on the Ark
- CH540-CH599: Effects of the Flood
- CH541. Aquatic organisms could have survived the Flood
- CH542. Plants could have survived the Flood
- CH550. Geologic column was deposited by the Flood
- (see also CC364: Seashells on mountains.)
- CH560: Fossils were deposited by the Flood.
- CH561: Fossil order was determined by the Flood.
- CH561.1. Fossils sorted by ecological zonation
- CH561.2. Fossils sorted hydrologically
- CH561.3. Fossils sorted by ability to escape
- CH561.4. Fossils sorted by a combination of these factors
- (see also CC361: Fossils form quickly.)
- CH561: Fossil order was determined by the Flood.
- CH570. High mountains were raised during the Flood
- CH580. The Flood shaped the earth's surface in other ways
- CH581. Grand Canyon was carved by retreating Flood waters
- CH590. The Flood caused an ice age
- CH500. Noah's Ark has been found
- CH400: Source of Flood
- CH700: Miscellaneous Young Earth Creationism
- CH710. Man and dinosaurs coexisted.
- (see also CC100: Human fossils out of place)
- (see also CB930.3: Dinosaurs may be in the Congo.)
- CH710.1. Ica stones show humans and dinosaurs coexisted.
- CH710.2. Dinosaur figurines from Acambaro show human/dino association.
- CH711. Behemoth, from the book of Job, was a dinosaur.
- CH712. Dragons were dinosaurs.
- CH712.1. Some dinosaurs breathed fire.
- CH710. Man and dinosaurs coexisted.
- CH800: Day-Age Creationism
- CH900: Geocentrism
CI: Intelligent Design
- (see also CH000: Creationism Generally)
- (see also CF000: 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and Information Theory)
- CI000: ID as Science
- CI001. Intelligent design theory is scientific.
- CI001.1. Intelligent design theory is not religious.
- CI001.2. El diseño inteligente no es creacionismo.
- CI001.3. El diseño inteligente es una corriente principal.
- CI001.4. Intelligent design has been published in peer-reviewed journals.
- (see also CA041.1: Santorum Amendment.)
- CI002. El diseño inteligente tiene poder explicativo.
- CI009. Evidence for design disproves evolutionary mechanisms.
- CI010. There is a law of conservation of information.
- (see also CF011: Design from ev. algorithms comes from fitness function.)
- CI001. Intelligent design theory is scientific.
- CI100-CI199: Detecting Design
- (see also CA100: Argument from incredulity.)
- CI100. Design is detectable.
- CI100.1. Mira; ¿No es obvio el diseño?
- CI101. La complejidad indica diseño.
- CI102. Irreducible complexity indicates design.
- CI110. La información compleja especificada indica diseño.
- CI111. El filtro de Dembski puede detectar diseño.
- CI113. Genetic algorithms require a designer to specify desired outcome.
- (see also CF011: Design from ev. algorithms comes from fitness function.)
- CI120. Purpose indicates design.
- CI130. Functional integration indicates design.
- CI141. Similarities in DNA and anatomy are due to common design.
- CI190. SETI researchers expect they can detect design.
- CI191. Archaeologists and forensic scientists can detect design.
- CI200: First Cause.
- CI300: Anthropic Principle.
- CI400: Meta-arguments
- CI401. The methodology of science rules out even considering design.
- (see also CA301.1: Science rules out supernatural explanations.)
- CI402. Evolutionists have blinded themselves to seeing design.
- (see also CA230.1: Evolutionists interpret per their preconceptions.)
- CI410. Design requires a designer.
- CI401. The methodology of science rules out even considering design.
CJ: Other Creationism
- CJ000: Vedic Creationism
- CJ200-CJ499: Native North American Creationism
- CJ300: Creationism from individual tribes
- CJ500-CJ699: Islamic Creationism
- CJ500: Qur'an Accuracy