
Atmósfera reductora

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An atmosphere without oxygen carries some difficulties regarding the problem of the origin of life. [[Michael Denton]] points out that with an atmosphere without oxygen there would be no ozone layer in the upper atmosphere and the ultraviolet flux reaching the Earth would be sufficient to break down organic compounds as rapidly as they were produced.<ref>{{cite book|author=Denton, Michael|authorlink=Michael Denton|title=[[Evolution: A Theory in Crisis]]|page=261|publisher=Adler & Adler|location=Chevy Chase, MD|year=1985|isbn=0-917561-52-X}}</ref> Some scientists latterly, (e.g. R. T. Brickmann and J. H. Carver) believe that the earth´s primordial atmosphere was not so strongly reducing and probably contained some amount of oxygen produced by photodissociation of water.<ref name=overman>{{cite book |author=Overman, Dean L|authorlink=Dean L. Overman |editor-last= |title=[[A Case Against Accident and Self-Organization]]|publisher=Rowman & Littlefield Publishers|location=Lanham|year=1997|page=41-42|isbn=0-8476-8966-2}}</ref>
==See also==
* [[Earth's early atmosphere had no reducing gases (Talk.Origins)|Earth's early atmosphere had no reducing gases]] Response to Talk.Origins
==External linksEnlaces externos==
* [ Did the Early Earth Have a Reducing Atmosphere?] by [[Steven A. Austin]], Ph.D.
* [ Origin of Life: the Early Atmosphere]
{{Science navboxciencia navcaja}}[[CategoryCategoría:GeochronologyGeocronología]][[CategoryCategoría:chemistryQuímica]]
[[en:Reducing atmosphere]]
[[pt:atmosfera redutora]]
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