El filtro de Dembski puede detectar diseño (Talk.Origins)

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Revisión del 19:36 23 sep 2019 de Luiz Alexandre Silva (Discusión | contribuciones) (Página creada con «{{Icc encabezamiento}} '''Alegación [http://www.talkorigins.org/indexcc/CI/CI110.html CI111]:''' : Design can be recognized by the following filter: # If an event E has...»)

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Artículo Respuesta
Esto artículo (El filtro de Dembski puede detectar diseño (Talk.Origins)) es una respuesta a una refutación de una reivindicación creacionista publicado por Talk.Origins Archive bajo el título Index to Creationist Claims (Índice de las reivindicaciones creacionistas).

Alegación CI111:

Design can be recognized by the following filter:
  1. If an event E has high probability, accept regularity as an explanation; otherwise move to the next step.
  2. If the chance hypothesis assigns E a high probability or E is not specified, then accept chance; otherwise move down the list.
  3. Having eliminated regularity and chance, accept design.


  • Dembski, William A., 1998. The Design Inference: Eliminating chance through small probabilities. Cambridge University Press.

Respuesta de la CreationWiki: (citas de Talk.Origins en azul)

1. (See complex specified information, which this claim is equivalent to.)

Actually, the two are not equivalent. Complex specified information is part of information theory, where the Explanatory Filter is simply a detection method.

See claim CI110 on complex specified information.