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Pendiente resbaladiza

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[[File:Falacia Lógica.png|200px|right]]
La Falacia de la '''Pendiente pendiente resbaladiza''' tambén conocida como falacia de la '''bola de nieve''', '''efecto dominó''' o la '''nariz del camello'''<ref name=three>{{cite book|author=Bennett, Bo|title=Logically...Fallacious:The Ultimate Collection of Over 300 Logical Fallacies||location=Sudbury, MA|year=2012|page=199|isbn=978-1-4566-0752-4}}</ref> is an informal fallacy which occurs when the conclusion of an argument relies on a supposed chain reaction, starting from a relatively insignificant first event, leading to a more significant event, and so forth, until an ultimate event take place, and there is no sufficient reason to think that the chain reaction will actually take place.<ref name=hurley>{{cite book|author=Hurley, Patrick J|title=A Concise Introduction to Logic|publisher=Thompson Wadsworth|location=Belmont, CA|edition=10th|year=2008|page=139|isbn=978-0-495-50383-5}}</ref><ref name=three />
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