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(CH: Biblical Creationism)
(CC: Paleontology)
(No se muestran 51 ediciones intermedias del mismo usuario)
Línea 52: Línea 52:
*****CA114.4. [[Babbage was a creationist]].
*****CA114.4. [[Babbage was a creationist]].
*****CA114.10. [[Fabre was a creationist]].  
*****CA114.10. [[Fabre was a creationist]].  
*****CA114.22. [[Louis Pasteur was a creationist]].
*****CA114.22. [[Louis Pasteur fue un creacionista]].
*****CA114.28. [[Steno was a creationist]].
*****CA114.28. [[Steno was a creationist]].
*****CA115.1. [[Los argumentos de diseño convirtieron al ateo Antony Flew en teísta]].
*****CA115.1. [[Los argumentos de diseño convirtieron al ateo Antony Flew en teísta]].
Línea 89: Línea 89:
****CA343. [[Evolutionists refuse Mastropaolo's "Life Science Prize" challenge]].  
****CA343. [[Evolutionists refuse Mastropaolo's "Life Science Prize" challenge]].  
***CA350. [[No gradual biochemical evolution models have been published]].  
***CA350. [[No gradual biochemical evolution models have been published]].  
**CA500. [["Survival of the fittest" is a tautology]].
**CA500. [["La supervivencia del más apto" es una tautología]].
**CA510. [[Creationism and evolution are the only 2 models]].
**CA510. [[Creationism and evolution are the only 2 models]].
***CA510.1. [[Los problemas con la evolución son evidencia de la creación]].  
***CA510.1. [[Los problemas con la evolución son evidencia de la creación]].  
Línea 132: Línea 132:
*** CB035.1. [[(Talk.Origins) Earth's early atmosphere had abundant oxygen|Earth's early atmosphere had abundant oxygen]].
*** CB035.1. [[(Talk.Origins) Earth's early atmosphere had abundant oxygen|Earth's early atmosphere had abundant oxygen]].
*** CB035.2. [[La atmósfera primitiva de la Tierra no tenía gases reductores]].
*** CB035.2. [[La atmósfera primitiva de la Tierra no tenía gases reductores]].
*** CB035.3. [[(Talk.Origins) Amino acids aren't generated from just CO2, nitrogen, and water|Amino acids aren't generated from just CO2, nitrogen, and water]].  
*** CB035.3. [[Los aminoácidos no se generan solo a partir de CO2, nitrógeno y agua]].  
** CB040. [[(Talk.Origins) Life uses only left-handed amino acids|Life uses only left-handed amino acids]].
** CB040. [[(Talk.Origins) Life uses only left-handed amino acids|Life uses only left-handed amino acids]].
** CB050. [[(Talk.Origins) Abiogenesis is speculative, without evidence|Abiogenesis is speculative, without evidence]].
** CB050. [[(Talk.Origins) Abiogenesis is speculative, without evidence|Abiogenesis is speculative, without evidence]].
Línea 149: Línea 149:
** CB141. [[(Talk.Origins) Chromosome counts differ greatly and unsystematically between species|Chromosome counts differ greatly and unsystematically between species]].
** CB141. [[(Talk.Origins) Chromosome counts differ greatly and unsystematically between species|Chromosome counts differ greatly and unsystematically between species]].
** CB144. [[(Talk.Origins) Human and chimp genomes differ by more than one percent|Human and chimp genomes differ by more than one percent]].
** CB144. [[(Talk.Origins) Human and chimp genomes differ by more than one percent|Human and chimp genomes differ by more than one percent]].
** CB150. [[(Talk.Origins) Functional genetic sequences are too rare to have evolved from one another|Functional genetic sequences are too rare to have evolved from one another]].
** CB150. [[Las secuencias genéticas funcionales son demasiado raras como para haber evolucionado unas de otras]].
** CB180. [[(Talk.Origins) The genetic code is a language|The genetic code is a language]].
** CB180. [[(Talk.Origins) The genetic code is a language|The genetic code is a language]].
*'''CB200: Molecular Biology'''
*'''CB200: Molecular Biology'''
Línea 171: Línea 171:
**** CB310.1. [[(Talk.Origins) Bombardier beetle chemicals would explode if mixed without an inhibitor|Bombardier beetle chemicals would explode if mixed without an inhibitor]].  
**** CB310.1. [[(Talk.Origins) Bombardier beetle chemicals would explode if mixed without an inhibitor|Bombardier beetle chemicals would explode if mixed without an inhibitor]].  
*** CB311. [[La metamorfosis de las mariposas es demasiado compleja para haber evolucionado]].
*** CB311. [[La metamorfosis de las mariposas es demasiado compleja para haber evolucionado]].
**** CB311.1. [[(Talk.Origins) Evolution can't explain butterfly evolving from caterpillar|Evolution can't explain butterfly evolving from caterpillar]].  
**** CB311.1. [[La evolución no puede explicar la evolución de la mariposa de la oruga]].  
*** CB325. [[(Talk.Origins) The giraffe neck couldn't evolve without a special circulatory system|The giraffe neck couldn't evolve without a special circulatory system]].
*** CB325. [[(Talk.Origins) The giraffe neck couldn't evolve without a special circulatory system|The giraffe neck couldn't evolve without a special circulatory system]].
*** CB326. [[(Talk.Origins) The woodpecker tongue couldn't have evolved|The woodpecker tongue couldn't have evolved]].
*** CB326. [[(Talk.Origins) The woodpecker tongue couldn't have evolved|The woodpecker tongue couldn't have evolved]].
*** CB340. [[(Talk.Origins) Organs and organ systems would be useless until all parts are in place|Organs and organ systems would be useless until all parts are in place]].
*** CB340. [[Los órganos y sistemas de órganos serían inútiles hasta que todas las partes estén en su lugar]].
*** CB341. [[El veneno de serpiente y los colmillos huecos no podrían haber evolucionado simultáneamente]].  
*** CB341. [[El veneno de serpiente y los colmillos huecos no podrían haber evolucionado simultáneamente]].  
** CB350. [[(Talk.Origins) Sex can't have evolved|Sex can't have evolved]].
** CB350. [[(Talk.Origins) Sex can't have evolved|Sex can't have evolved]].
Línea 189: Línea 189:
** CB400. [[(Talk.Origins) Evolution can't explain consciousness|Evolution can't explain consciousness]].
** CB400. [[(Talk.Origins) Evolution can't explain consciousness|Evolution can't explain consciousness]].
*** CB400.1. [[(Talk.Origins) Evolution doesn't explain human intelligence|Evolution doesn't explain human intelligence]].  
*** CB400.1. [[(Talk.Origins) Evolution doesn't explain human intelligence|Evolution doesn't explain human intelligence]].  
** CB401. [[(Talk.Origins) Instincts are too complex to have evolved|Instincts are too complex to have evolved]].
** CB401. [[Los instintos son demasiado complejos para haber evolucionado]].
** CB402. [[La evolución no explica la habilidad del lenguaje]].
** CB402. [[La evolución no explica la habilidad del lenguaje]].
** CB403. [[La evolución no explica la homosexualidad]].
** CB403. [[La evolución no explica la homosexualidad]].
** CB411. [[(Talk.Origins) Evolution doesn't explain morals|Evolution doesn't explain morals]].
** CB411. [[(Talk.Origins) Evolution doesn't explain morals|Evolution doesn't explain morals]].
** CB420. [[(Talk.Origins) Evolution doesn't explain art|Evolution doesn't explain art]].
** CB420. [[La evolución no explica el arte]].
** CB421. [[(Talk.Origins) Evolution doesn't explain music|Evolution doesn't explain music]].
** CB421. [[La evolución no explica la música]].
** CB430. [[La evolución no explica la personalidad y las emociones]].
** CB430. [[La evolución no explica la personalidad y las emociones]].
** CB440. [[(Talk.Origins) Evolution doesn't explain religion|Evolution doesn't explain religion]].  
** CB440. [[La evolución no explica la religión]].  
* '''CB500: Botany'''
* '''CB500: Botany'''
** CB501. [[(Talk.Origins)Dendrochronology is suspect because 2 or more rings can grow per year|Dendrochronology is suspect because 2 or more rings can grow per year]].
** CB501. [[(Talk.Origins)Dendrochronology is suspect because 2 or more rings can grow per year|Dendrochronology is suspect because 2 or more rings can grow per year]].
Línea 209: Línea 209:
**** CB601.2.4. [[(Talk.Origins)In places, light moths increased before lichens reappeared|In places, light moths increased before lichens reappeared]].
**** CB601.2.4. [[(Talk.Origins)In places, light moths increased before lichens reappeared|In places, light moths increased before lichens reappeared]].
**** CB601.2.5. [[(Talk.Origins)Light moths increased before trees got lighter|Light moths increased before trees got lighter]].  
**** CB601.2.5. [[(Talk.Origins)Light moths increased before trees got lighter|Light moths increased before trees got lighter]].  
*** CB601.3. [[(Talk.Origins)Direct mutagenesis better explains peppered moth variation|Direct mutagenesis better explains peppered moth variation]].
*** CB601.3. [[La mutagénesis directa explica mejor la variación de la polilla moteada]].
*** CB601.4. [[(Talk.Origins)An increased recapture rate suggests fraud in Kettlewell's data|An increased recapture rate suggests fraud in Kettlewell's data]].
*** CB601.4. [[Una mayor tasa de recuperación sugiere fraude en los datos de Kettlewell]].
*** (see also [[CB910.2]]: Peppered moths remain same species.)  
*** (see also [[CB910.2]]: Peppered moths remain same species.)  
** CB610. [[El primer individuo de una nueva especie no encontraría un compañero]].
** CB610. [[El primer individuo de una nueva especie no encontraría un compañero]].
Línea 244: Línea 244:
** CB904. [[(Talk.Origins) No entirely new features have evolved|No entirely new features have evolved]].
** CB904. [[(Talk.Origins) No entirely new features have evolved|No entirely new features have evolved]].
*** (see also CB101.2: [[(Talk.Origins) Mutations don't produce new features|mutations don't produce new features]].)  
*** (see also CB101.2: [[(Talk.Origins) Mutations don't produce new features|mutations don't produce new features]].)  
** CB910. [[(Talk.Origins) No new species have been observed|No new species have been observed]].
** CB910. [[No se han observado nuevas especies]].
*** CB910.1. [[(Talk.Origins) Fruit fly experiments produce only fruit flies|Fruit fly experiments produce only fruit flies]].
*** CB910.1. [[(Talk.Origins) Fruit fly experiments produce only fruit flies|Fruit fly experiments produce only fruit flies]].
*** CB910.2. [[(Talk.Origins) Peppered moths remained the same species|Peppered moths remained the same species]].  
*** CB910.2. [[(Talk.Origins) Peppered moths remained the same species|Peppered moths remained the same species]].  
Línea 252: Línea 252:
*** CB921.1. [[(Talk.Origins) What use is half an eye?|What use is half an eye?]].
*** CB921.1. [[(Talk.Origins) What use is half an eye?|What use is half an eye?]].
*** CB921.2. [[(Talk.Origins) What use is half a wing?|What use is half a wing?]].
*** CB921.2. [[(Talk.Origins) What use is half a wing?|What use is half a wing?]].
** CB922. [[(Talk.Origins) No 2-celled life exists intermediate between one- and multi-celled|No 2-celled life exists intermediate between one- and multi-celled]].
** CB922. [[No existe una vida de 2 celdas intermedia entre una y varias celdas]].
** CB925. [[(Talk.Origins) We don't see creatures in various stages of completion|We don't see creatures in various stages of completion]].
** CB925. [[No vemos criaturas en varias etapas de finalización]].
** CB926. [[La preadaptación implica que los órganos evolucionaron antes de ser necesarios]].
** CB926. [[La preadaptación implica que los órganos evolucionaron antes de ser necesarios]].
** CB928. [[¿Por qué los rasgos beneficiosos no evolucionan más a menudo?]].
** CB928. [[¿Por qué los rasgos beneficiosos no evolucionan más a menudo?]].
Línea 261: Línea 261:
** CB930. [[Some fossil species are still living]].
** CB930. [[Some fossil species are still living]].
*** CB930.1. [[The coelacanth, thought extinct for ages, is still living]].
*** CB930.1. [[The coelacanth, thought extinct for ages, is still living]].
*** CB930.2. [[A plesiosaur was found by a Japanese trawler]].
*** CB930.2. [[Un plesiosaurio fue encontrado por un arrastrero japonés]].
*** CB930.3. [[Dinosaurs may still be alive in the Congo]].  
*** CB930.3. [[Dinosaurs may still be alive in the Congo]].  
*** CB930.4. [[(Talk.Origins) Pterodactyl in stone|Pterodactyl in stone]]
*** CB930.4. [[(Talk.Origins) Pterodactyl in stone|Pterodactyl in stone]]
** CB932. [[(Talk.Origins) Some modern species are apparently degenerate, not higher forms|Some modern species are apparently degenerate, not higher forms]].
** CB932. [[Algunas especies modernas son aparentemente degeneradas, no de formas superiores]].
** CB940. [[El azar puro no puede crear nuevas estructuras]].
** CB940. [[El azar puro no puede crear nuevas estructuras]].
*** CB940.1. [[(Talk.Origins) Odds of many successive beneficial mutations are minuscule|Odds of many successive beneficial mutations are minuscule]].  
*** CB940.1. [[(Talk.Origins) Odds of many successive beneficial mutations are minuscule|Odds of many successive beneficial mutations are minuscule]].  
Línea 270: Línea 270:
** CB950. [[A veces se produce una sobre-especialización sin valor adaptativo]].
** CB950. [[A veces se produce una sobre-especialización sin valor adaptativo]].
** CB951. [[Las tendencias a largo plazo (ortogénesis) no se ajustan a la teoría evolutiva]].
** CB951. [[Las tendencias a largo plazo (ortogénesis) no se ajustan a la teoría evolutiva]].
** CB952. [[(Talk.Origins) Overspecialized diets and evolution|Overspecialized diets and evolution]]
** CB952. [[Dietas demasiado especializadas y la evolución]]
** CB990. [[(Talk.Origins) Proposed evolution scenarios are just-so stories|Proposed evolution scenarios are just-so stories]].
** CB990. [[(Talk.Origins) Proposed evolution scenarios are just-so stories|Proposed evolution scenarios are just-so stories]].
Línea 294: Línea 294:
** CC052. [[Laetoli footprints were human]].
** CC052. [[Laetoli footprints were human]].
** CC054. [[KP 271 (a fossil humerus) was human]].
** CC054. [[KP 271 (a fossil humerus) was human]].
** CC061. [[French scientists called Peking Man "monkey-like"]].
** CC061. [[Científicos franceses llaman el Hombre de Pekín "simiesco"]].
** CC080. [[Australopithecus was fully ape, closer to chimp]].  
** CC080. [[Australopithecus was fully ape, closer to chimp]].  
** '''CC100: Human fossils are out of place.'''
** '''CC100: Human fossils are out of place.'''
Línea 303: Línea 303:
*** CC112. [[Castenedolo, Olmo, and Calaveras skulls were found in Pliocene strata]].
*** CC112. [[Castenedolo, Olmo, and Calaveras skulls were found in Pliocene strata]].
*** CC120. [[Baugh encontró un dedo fosilizado del Cretáceo]].
*** CC120. [[Baugh encontró un dedo fosilizado del Cretáceo]].
*** CC130. [[A petrified hammer was found in Cretaceous rocks]].
*** CC130. [[Se encontró un martillo petrificado en rocas cretáceas]].
*** CC131. [[Iron pot in coal]].
*** CC131. [[Iron pot in coal]].
** '''CC150: Other Anthropology'''
** '''CC150: Other Anthropology'''
Línea 320: Línea 320:
****CC214.1. [[Archaeopteryx was probably not an ancestor of modern birds]].
****CC214.1. [[Archaeopteryx was probably not an ancestor of modern birds]].
*****CC214.1.1. [[Archaeopteryx is fully bird]]
*****CC214.1.1. [[Archaeopteryx is fully bird]]
**** CC214.2. [[Duck-billed dinosaur find disproves its bird ancestry]].  
**** CC214.2. [[El hallazgo de un dinosaurio con pico de pato refuta su ascendencia de aves]].  
*** CC215. [[(Talk.Origins) There are gaps between reptiles and mammals|There are gaps between reptiles and mammals]].
*** CC215. [[(Talk.Origins) There are gaps between reptiles and mammals|There are gaps between reptiles and mammals]].
*** CC216.1. [[There are gaps between land mammals and whales]].
*** CC216.1. [[There are gaps between land mammals and whales]].
Línea 349: Línea 349:
***  CC352. [[Archaeoraptor was a fake]].  
***  CC352. [[Archaeoraptor was a fake]].  
** '''CC360: Taphonomy'''
** '''CC360: Taphonomy'''
***  CC36. [[No new fossils are being formed]].
***  CC360. [[No se están formando nuevos fósiles]].
***  CC361. [[Fossils can form quickly]].
***  CC361. [[Fossils can form quickly]].
**** CC361.1. [[Coal and oil can form quickly]].
**** CC361.1. [[Coal and oil can form quickly]].
**** CC361.2. [[Mammoths have been found quickly frozen]].
**** CC361.2. [[Los mamuts se han encontrado rápidamente congelados]].
**** CC361.3. [[Contorted positions of fossil animals indicate rapid burial]].  
**** CC361.3. [[Contorted positions of fossil animals indicate rapid burial]].  
***  CC362. [[Large collections of fossils indicate catastrophism]].
***  CC362. [[Large collections of fossils indicate catastrophism]].
Línea 361: Línea 361:
***  CC371. [[Evidence of blood in a Tyrannosaurus bone indicates recent burial]].
***  CC371. [[Evidence of blood in a Tyrannosaurus bone indicates recent burial]].
**** CC371.1 [[Tyrannosaurus tissues from bone]].
**** CC371.1 [[Tyrannosaurus tissues from bone]].
*** CC373 [[Pristine ammonite and bivalve fossils]].
*** CC373 [[Amonitas y fósiles bivalvos intactos]].
*** CC381 [[Quantity of Stone-Age skeletons]].
*** CC381 [[Quantity of Stone-Age skeletons]].
* '''CC400: Methodology'''
* '''CC400: Methodology'''
Línea 379: Línea 379:
**** CD011.1. [[Variable C14/C12 ratio invalidates C14 dating]].
**** CD011.1. [[Variable C14/C12 ratio invalidates C14 dating]].
**** CD011.2. [[Vollosovitch and Dima mammoths yielded inconsistent C14 dates]].
**** CD011.2. [[Vollosovitch and Dima mammoths yielded inconsistent C14 dates]].
**** CD011.3. [[Living snails were C14 dated at 2,300 and 27,000 years old]].
**** CD011.3. [[Los caracoles vivos fueron fechados por el C14 a los 2.300 y 27.000 años]].
**** CD011.4. [[A freshly killed seal was C14 dated at 1300 years old]].
**** CD011.4. [[A freshly killed seal was C14 dated at 1300 years old]].
**** CD011.5. [[Triassic wood from Australia was dated at 33K years old]].
**** CD011.5. [[Triassic wood from Australia was dated at 33K years old]].
Línea 415: Línea 415:
** CD230. [[El gas natural escapa demasiado rápido para permitir largas edades]].
** CD230. [[El gas natural escapa demasiado rápido para permitir largas edades]].
** CD231. [[High pressures in oil fields would have bled off if earth were old]].
** CD231. [[High pressures in oil fields would have bled off if earth were old]].
** CD232. [[Oil seepage would have drained offshore reservoirs in 20,000 years]].
** CD232. [[La filtración de petróleo habría drenado los depósitos offshore en 20,000 años]].
** CD240. [[Experiments show that strata can violate principles of superposition]].
** CD240. [[Experiments show that strata can violate principles of superposition]].
** CD241. [[Varves can form in less than a year]].
** CD241. [[Varves can form in less than a year]].
Línea 423: Línea 423:
** CD301. [[Evaporites could form without evaporation]].
** CD301. [[Evaporites could form without evaporation]].
** CD302. [[Evaporites are too thick]].
** CD302. [[Evaporites are too thick]].
** CD303. [[Evaporites contain no organic matter]].  
** CD303. [[Las evaporitas no contienen materia orgánica]].  
* '''CD400: Glaciation'''
* '''CD400: Glaciation'''
** CD410. [[WWII airplanes are now beneath thousands of "annual" ice layers]].  
** CD410. [[WWII airplanes are now beneath thousands of "annual" ice layers]].  
Línea 429: Línea 429:
** CD501. [[En una tierra vieja, las montañas ya se habrían erosionado]].
** CD501. [[En una tierra vieja, las montañas ya se habrían erosionado]].
** CD502. [[Las montañas volcánicas se construyen demasiado rápido para una tierra vieja]].
** CD502. [[Las montañas volcánicas se construyen demasiado rápido para una tierra vieja]].
** CD510. [[Folded rocks must have been soft when folded]].  
** CD510. [[Las rocas plegadas deben haber sido suaves cuando se pliegan]].  
* '''CD600: Erosion'''
* '''CD600: Erosion'''
** (see also CH540: Flood effects)
** (see also CH540: Flood effects)
Línea 436: Línea 436:
* '''CD700: Geophysics & Plate tectonics'''
* '''CD700: Geophysics & Plate tectonics'''
** CD701. [[Earth's magnetic field is decaying, indicating a young earth]].
** CD701. [[Earth's magnetic field is decaying, indicating a young earth]].
*** CD701.1. [[Cowling's theorem disproves dynamo theory of earth's magnetic field]].  
*** CD701.1. [[El teorema de Cowling refuta la teoría de la dinamo del campo magnético de la tierra]].  
** CD740. [[The theory of plate tectonics is wrong]].
** CD740. [[The theory of plate tectonics is wrong]].
*** CD741. [[Mid-ocean magnetic anomalies are not reversals]].  
*** CD741. [[Mid-ocean magnetic anomalies are not reversals]].  
** CD750. [[Plate tectonics occurred catastrophically and has since slowed]].  
** CD750. [[Plate tectonics occurred catastrophically and has since slowed]].  
* '''CD800: Climate Change'''
* '''CD800: Climate Change'''
** CD821. [[Sahara Desert is expanding]].
** CD821. [[El desierto del Sahara se está expandiendo]].
==CE: Astronomy and Cosmology ==
==CE: Astronomy and Cosmology ==
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* '''CE000: Earth'''
* '''CE000: Earth'''
** CE001. [[Not enough helium in the atmosphere for an old earth]].
** CE001. [[No hay suficiente helio en la atmósfera para una tierra vieja]].
** CE010. [[NASA scientists found a day missing]].
** CE010. [[Científicos de la NASA encontraron un día perdido]].
** CE011. [[Earth's rotation is slowing, indicating a young earth]].
** CE011. [[Earth's rotation is slowing, indicating a young earth]].
***CE011.1. [[La frecuencia de segundos intercalares indica una tierra joven]].  
***CE011.1. [[La frecuencia de segundos intercalares indica una tierra joven]].  
Línea 461: Línea 461:
** CE230. [[La gran actividad volcánica de Io indica una edad temprana]].
** CE230. [[La gran actividad volcánica de Io indica una edad temprana]].
** CE231. [[Jupiter and Saturn are cooling too rapidly to be old]].
** CE231. [[Jupiter and Saturn are cooling too rapidly to be old]].
** CE240. [[Saturn's rings are unstable]].
** CE240. [[Los anillos de Saturno son inestables]].
** CE260. [[Three planets and several moons revolve backwards]].
** CE260. [[Three planets and several moons revolve backwards]].
*** CE260.1. [[El movimiento retrógrado de los planetas refuta el big bang]].  
*** CE260.1. [[El movimiento retrógrado de los planetas refuta el big bang]].  
** CE261. [[Comets wouldn't have lasted in an old universe]].
** CE261. [[Comets wouldn't have lasted in an old universe]].
*** CE261.1. [[Oort cloud and Kuiper belt are ad-hoc fantasies of astronomers]].
*** CE261.1. [[Oort cloud and Kuiper belt are ad-hoc fantasies of astronomers]].
** CE280. [[Solar wind should have cleared inner solar system of microparticles]].
** CE280. [[El viento solar debería haber limpiado el sistema solar interno de micropartículas]].
** CE281. [[Poynting-Robertson effect would remove space dust in an old solar system]].  
** CE281. [[El efecto Poynting-Robertson eliminaría el polvo espacial en un viejo sistema solar]].  
* '''CE300: Sun & Stars'''
* '''CE300: Sun & Stars'''
** CE301. [[Lack of solar neutrinos indicates stellar model is wrong]].
** CE301. [[Lack of solar neutrinos indicates stellar model is wrong]].
** CE302. [[Sun has most of mass but little angular momentum of solar system]].
** CE302. [[Sun has most of mass but little angular momentum of solar system]].
** CE310. [[El sol que se encoge indica un sol joven]].
** CE310. [[El sol que se encoge indica un sol joven]].
*** CE310.1. [[Helmholtz's contraction theory says the sun is young]].  
*** CE310.1. [[La teoría de la contracción de Helmholtz dice que el sol es joven]].  
** CE311. [[The faint young sun paradox contradicts an old earth]].
** CE311. [[The faint young sun paradox contradicts an old earth]].
** CE351. [[Sirius era una estrella roja hace 2000 años y ahora es una enana blanca]].
** CE351. [[Sirius era una estrella roja hace 2000 años y ahora es una enana blanca]].
Línea 500: Línea 500:
*** CF001.2. [[The 2nd law, and the trend to disorder, is universal]]
*** CF001.2. [[The 2nd law, and the trend to disorder, is universal]]
*** CF001.3. [[Instructions are necessary to produce order]]
*** CF001.3. [[Instructions are necessary to produce order]]
*** CF001.4. [[The 2nd law is about organized complexity, not entropy]]
*** CF001.4. [[La segunda ley trata de la complejidad organizada, no de la entropía]]
*** CF001.5. [[Evolution needs an energy conversion mechanism to utilize energy]]  
*** CF001.5. [[Evolution needs an energy conversion mechanism to utilize energy]]  
** CF002. [[La complejidad no proviene de la simplicidad]]
** CF002. [[La complejidad no proviene de la simplicidad]]
Línea 506: Línea 506:
** CF003. [[¿Cómo podría reunirse la información, como en el ADN?]]
** CF003. [[¿Cómo podría reunirse la información, como en el ADN?]]
** CF005. [[2nd law of thermodynamics applies to information theory]]
** CF005. [[2nd law of thermodynamics applies to information theory]]
** CF010. [[Cybernetic simulations show Darwinian processes don't produce order]]
** CF010. [[Las simulaciones cibernéticas muestran que los procesos darwinianos no producen orden]]
** CF011. [[Evolutionary algorithms smuggle in design in the fitness function]]
** CF011. [[Evolutionary algorithms smuggle in design in the fitness function]]
*** CF011.1. [[The outcome of Dawkins' WEASEL program was prespecified]]
*** CF011.1. [[The outcome of Dawkins' WEASEL program was prespecified]]
Línea 523: Línea 523:
{{evolution portal}}
{{evolution portal}}
* '''CG000: History'''
* '''CG000: History'''
** CG001. [[Darwin recanted on his deathbed]]
** CG001. [[Darwin se retractó en su lecho de muerte]]
** CG010. [[The oldest living thing is younger than 4900 years]]
** CG010. [[The oldest living thing is younger than 4900 years]]
** CG020. [[3000 years is time enough for all languages, religions to develop]]
** CG020. [[3000 years is time enough for all languages, religions to develop]]
Línea 573: Línea 573:
***CH182. [[La Biblia es influyente]]
***CH182. [[La Biblia es influyente]]
***CH183. [[La Biblia es objeto de persecución]]
***CH183. [[La Biblia es objeto de persecución]]
*** CH184. [[Bible is intellectually honest]]  
*** CH184. [[La Biblia es intelectualmente honesta]]  
** CH190. [[Bible is harmonious throughout]]  
** CH190. [[Bible is harmonious throughout]]  
* '''CH200-CH799: Young Earth Creationism'''
* '''CH200-CH799: Young Earth Creationism'''
Línea 582: Línea 582:
** '''CH300: Death and the Fall'''
** '''CH300: Death and the Fall'''
*** CH301. [[There was no death or decay before the Fall]]
*** CH301. [[There was no death or decay before the Fall]]
*** CH310. [[Pre-flood vapor canopy would have made world Edenic]]
*** CH310. [[El dosel de vapor previo a la inundación habría hecho el mundo edénico]]
*** CH311. [[Pre-flood vapor canopy would have extended human lifetimes]]
*** CH311. [[El dosel de vapor previo a la inundación habría prolongado la vida humana]]
*** CH320. [[Life is deteriorating]]
*** CH320. [[Life is deteriorating]]
**** CH321. [[Parasites are degenerations of free-living species]]  
**** CH321. [[Parasites are degenerations of free-living species]]  
Línea 603: Línea 603:
****** CH503.1. [[Anchor stones of Noah's Ark have been found]]
****** CH503.1. [[Anchor stones of Noah's Ark have been found]]
****** CH503.2. [[The Turkish government officially recognized the site of Noah's Ark]]  
****** CH503.2. [[The Turkish government officially recognized the site of Noah's Ark]]  
***** CH504.1. [[James Bryce found a 4-foot timber high on Ararat]]
***** CH504.1. [[James Bryce encontró una madera de 4 pies de altura en Ararat]]
***** CH504.2. [[Navarra retrieved hand-hewn wood from high on Ararat]]
***** CH504.2. [[Navarra recuperó madera tallada a mano desde lo alto de Ararat]]
***** CH504.3. [[Hardwicke Knight found soft wood timbers on Ararat]]
***** CH504.3. [[Hardwicke Knight encontró vigas de madera blanda en Ararat]]
***** CH505.1. [[Yearam guided 3 vile scientists to Noah's Ark in 1916]]
***** CH505.1. [[Yearam guided 3 vile scientists to Noah's Ark in 1916]]
***** CH505.2. [[An 1883 Turkish expedition found Noah's Ark]]
***** CH505.2. [[An 1883 Turkish expedition found Noah's Ark]]
Línea 666: Línea 666:
*** CI001.1. [[Intelligent design theory is not religious]].
*** CI001.1. [[Intelligent design theory is not religious]].
*** CI001.2. [[El diseño inteligente no es creacionismo]].
*** CI001.2. [[El diseño inteligente no es creacionismo]].
*** CI001.3. [[Intelligent design is mainstream]].
*** CI001.3. [[El diseño inteligente es una corriente principal]].
*** CI001.4. [[Intelligent design has been published in peer-reviewed journals]].
*** CI001.4. [[Intelligent design has been published in peer-reviewed journals]].
*** (see also [[CA041.1]]: Santorum Amendment.)  
*** (see also [[CA041.1]]: Santorum Amendment.)  
** CI002. [[Intelligent design has explanatory power]].
** CI002. [[El diseño inteligente tiene poder explicativo]].
** CI009. [[Evidence for design disproves evolutionary mechanisms]].
** CI009. [[Evidence for design disproves evolutionary mechanisms]].
** CI010. [[There is a law of conservation of information]].
** CI010. [[There is a law of conservation of information]].
Línea 695: Línea 695:
* '''CI300: Anthropic Principle.'''
* '''CI300: Anthropic Principle.'''
** CI301. [[Cosmos is fine-tuned to permit human life]].
** CI301. [[Cosmos is fine-tuned to permit human life]].
** CI302. [[Cosmos is fine-tuned to permit scientific discovery]].  
** CI302. [[El cosmos está ajustado para permitir el descubrimiento científico]].  
* '''CI400: Meta-arguments'''
* '''CI400: Meta-arguments'''
** CI401. [[The methodology of science rules out even considering design]].
** CI401. [[The methodology of science rules out even considering design]].
Línea 712: Línea 712:
*'''CJ200-CJ499: Native North American Creationism'''
*'''CJ200-CJ499: Native North American Creationism'''
**'''CJ300: Creationism from individual tribes'''
**'''CJ300: Creationism from individual tribes'''
*** CJ311. [[9400-year-old Kennewick Man was an Umatilla ancestor]].
*** CJ311. [[El Hombre de Kennewick, de 9400 años de edad, era un antepasado de Umatilla]].
* '''CJ500-CJ699: Islamic Creationism'''
* '''CJ500-CJ699: Islamic Creationism'''

Revisión actual del 02:23 5 nov 2019

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La página web Talk.Origins Archive titulada Index to Creationist Claims, consiste en una lista de supuestas refutaciones a los argumentos creacionistas contra el evolucionismo. Gran parte de la lista se publicó posteriormente en 2005 como el The Counter-Creationism Handbook.

Algunas de estas afirmaciones son utilizadas regularmente por los creacionistas, algunas son poco frecuentes y otras no se utilizan en absoluto. No todas las objeciones planteadas por la Talk.Origins son incorrectas, pero es importante que los creacionistas respondan a esta lista anti-creacionista.

Esta página contiene vínculos a las respuestas de los creacionistas a cada una de las "refutaciones" que se encuentran en el sitio web Talk.Origin.

NOTA: Cuando se crea una página de este archivo, por favor, siga la guía en CreationWiki:Las respuestas a la Talk.Origins.

CA: Philosophy and Theology

Creationwiki philosophy portal.png

CB: Biología

Creationwiki biology portal.png

CC: Paleontology

Creationwiki philosophy portal.png

Plantilla:Portal paleontología

CD: Geology

Plantilla:Geology portal

CE: Astronomy and Cosmology

Plantilla:Astronomy portal

CF: Physics and Mathematics

CG: Miscellaneous Anti-Evolution

Plantilla:Evolution portal

CH: Biblical Creationism

Plantilla:Creation portal

CI: Intelligent Design

Plantilla:Feature article

CJ: Other Creationism